Meds & Hair Loss


New Member
Okay so I think the reason for my hair shedding and breakage is due to the meds that I take. Hair loss is a side effect but I don't have another alternative med to take I have to take these but I am wondering if I take vitamins would that help?? I don't know what to do my front edges are thinning and the sides I am on this board like all day looking and researching so........any ladies who might offer advice
Thanks in advance

BTW: my pic in the avatar is the only way I wear my hair because it hides trouble spots
Talk to your doctor about the side effects of the med that you are taking, there could be other drugs that are available to treat the condition heat you are taking it for that might not cause loss and breakage. Also try to find others in your situation are they experiencing hair loss as well? Meds can cause hair loss sometimes, its all about the risk benefit ratio. You may be a good vitamin candidate or topical candidate ( BT, MTG, etc) as long as the med you are taking isn't doing anything to diminish your follicle health. Don't forget about scalp massages they really can get things working.
Talk to your doctor about the side effects of the med that you are taking, there could be other drugs that are available to treat the condition heat you are taking it for that might not cause loss and breakage. Also try to find others in your situation are they experiencing hair loss as well? Meds can cause hair loss sometimes, its all about the risk benefit ratio. You may be a good vitamin candidate or topical candidate ( BT, MTG, etc) as long as the med you are taking isn't doing anything to diminish your follicle health. Don't forget about scalp massages they really can get things working.

Thanks!!!!! I am going to do that, I just got the BT hair balm going to try that for couple months and see if it helps and start taking a multi-vitamin until I go back to see doctor in Sept.
Are you taking more than on medication? I am the meds and hair queen, I have lost patches of hair to shedding to normal shedding now. My first problem with medicine and hair loss, my family doctor did a blood test for any conflicts with meds. But yes some medicines can cause hair loss, it is extremly more difficult to figure it out in women of color because of the products we use in our hair. Antibiotics will sometime cause a relaxer not to take.
You might want to think about adding Biotin or MSM to a good multi vitamin. Or either get like a skin,hair nails vitamin that has a decent amount of biotin in it. I forget you are already on meds so try to get away with your biggest bang with the least amount of extra pills/supplements to swallow.