measuring hair


Well-Known Member
hello all...
i have a question, i had my sister measure my hair and i used the method of measuring where i would take a measuring tape and start it at the very front of my head and measured the length until the the thread told me to do ...BUT....i am wondering is this a true way of measuring hair? isnt our hair a bunch of diffrent length's? is this the way every one uses to measure their hair? i just wanna make sure i am doing this right b/c i plan on doing my measurments bimonthly .....

I measure from the roots to the ends because of shrinkage and my hair does not grow at the same rate. Some sections of my head grows at a much faster rate. So, measuring from the hairline would not be accurate for me.
I measure my hair all the time! However, I measure from my neckline to the ends. Currently, it measures at 12 inches. I never was a big fan of measuring from the hairline (forehead) to ends because you are right, the hair is different lengths all over. I know for myself, the top and crown area of my hair is not the same length as the back, so that's why I measure from the nape (neck) to the ends. Also, I don't use certain phrases such as "just below the shoulders" or "bra strap" to measure my hair. Now, if someone wanted a general idea, I'd say bra strap but I feel more comfortable using a measuring tape. By the way, everyone's bra strap isn't in the same exact place (maybe 1-3 inches off somehow
) so that's another reason why I like to know how many inches I have as opposed to where it's at.