Mea Culpa, regular NTM users


New Member
Last week I tried NTM shampoo which my hair loved. Strange, feeling the heaviness of my hair when I 'un-bun' at night.{never occurred to me that longer hair means more weight!}
I used the NTM masque and the NTM Silk leave-in conditioner which left me feeling "so what?"
I continued {8 bucks!} to use the NTM silk leave-in...daily along with ISOPLUS lavender moisturizer, SURGE woojee, Dabur bhringraj, coconut oil and various Dabur amla oils, sometimes using my homemade rosemary/sage coconut oil. I finally realized my hair indeed does respond well to the silk leave-in. My only complaint is I seem to have to use quite a bit of it to get the moisturized feel I like; 'tis why I add the other moisturizers. Any suggestions for getting the results without using so much of the Silk? {I shampoo every 4 days}
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BrooklynSouth said:
Last week I tried NTM shampoo which my hair loved. Strange, feeling the heaviness of my hair when I 'un-bun' at night.
I used the NTM masque and the NTM Silk leave-in conditioner which left me feeling "so what?"
I continued {8 bucks!} to use the NTM silk leave-in...daily along with ISOPLUS lavender moisturizer, SURGE woojee, Dabur bhringraj, coconut oil and various Dabur amla oils, sometimes using my homemade rosemary/sage coconut oil. I finally realized my hair indeed does respond well to the silk leave-in. My only complaint is I seem to have to use quite a bit of it to get the moisturized feel I like; 'tis why I add the other moisturizers. Any suggestions for getting the results without using so much of the Silk? {I shampoo every 4 days}

I seal mine with jojoba only. HTH