Me and my Big Mouth (Kind of long) James 3


Well-Known Member
Somebody please pray that I wil get the book by Joyce Myers. I think it is called, Me and My Big Mouth.

I am all up in James chapter 3.

I said something mean to a guy on my job in class tonight.

Let me give you history. He has been with the company about a year and a half. I am not sure if i ever poseted abut him. But from Day one he was tryng to push up on me. He did not try to warm up to me. From day one he was asking me all kinds of personal questions. Where do you live, who do you live with do you have a boy riend , are you married?

I was training him. Then one day he said that he was Satan which really annoyed me so I told him to get under my feet then he was insulted. He said you don't treat those white boys like this. Mind you our team in 2% black. My friend Kevin (who is white) heard him and was insulted.

He has oftern made negative comments regarding Black women and how we treat white men better. I have stopped associateing with him. Every time I do he makes a reference to Black women and how we are negative in the work place towards black men. All of things have made me dislike hi. Which makes 80% of the things he says "to me" sound foolish and irritate me.

I once told him don't say anuthing to me if itisnot work related. He has asked me out several times.

Anyway in class tonight i said that I would not eat a doughnut becuse i am on a diet. he went onto say that I looked fine. i explained to him that a diet is notalways about what's on the out side but the inside. Then he went on to ask why was aI starving myself, and everyone wants to be skinny, and how everyone was anorexic (sp?). The more he talked, the more annoyed I became.

Then he said, next thing you know you are gonna loose 60 pounds. Here it goes. I fire back and say. Maybe you should loose 60 pouds.:perplexed :perplexed :ohwell:
Then he said why would you go there, and I continued. Well you should, You would be a lot healthier. This resulted in him saying "sister's".
It went on with him talking about how black women are negative and he sees it every where he goes. I could not shut up and said, Did youever think that it might be you? He had no response. Then i asked him again.

I am just confessing because I feel kind of bad
I guess you can apologize. He is kinda of an annoying person. He would get along so much easier if he didn't come on so strong. If you apologize, hopefully he will see you aren't "out to get him" and you guys can start over. But he needs to change his approach, he seems kinda clingy and whiny. Once you apologize (even though he kinda deserved it) he will probably really appreciate you for it.