Me and humidity

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Are really gonna end up fighting! :mad:

It feels like my hair just expands when it's humid outside and gets all bushy-like. My curls fall and get frizzy. This happened last night and to fix it for the morning I add serum and pin curl my hair tightly before putting on my silk scarf.

I'm texlaxed (hair doesn't fully take relaxers so is never all the way straight) so I feel like my hair is affected by the humidity worse than most.

Do relaxed ladies have this same problem????? Is there anything I can do before I go outside to calm down this problem?????
Girl...I feel you on the humidity. I live in MD, and with the HORRIBLE humidity and heat we've been having lately, my hair has really taken a toll.

I don't even see the sense in going to the hair stylist anymore! When I walk outside my hair is just going to fall immediately anyway. And I don't want to be hot curling my hair every morning. No thank you!

My hair is naturally fine in texture too, and I don't have a huge density of hair, so I end up just keeping my hair in a bun everyday if I know the humidity is going to be bad. Otherwise, my hair will end up looking like fly-away Flora. My hair is so light and fly-away...I guess that's the curse of fine stranded hair. :(

Oh well....just know that you are DEFINTELY not alone!

The humidity here is AWFUL! Just another reason why I will be moving out of Maryland soon. :)
Hey JenniferMD :wave: I feel your pain the same thing happens to me but I also perspire like a pig's ass. Since the summer began I have conditioner washed. I have only worn my hair down once and it was a nightmare. I had just got a touch-up on July 10th went and got a wash and set July 11th and by the end of the day it was one big poffy mess. :mad: So to avoid all of that I just condition wash and slick it back into a ponytail.

You may not want your hair wet all the time but that helps me because it also cools me off. :)

OT: You have thick, beautiful hair
YES humidity is a huge problem for me.
I start wearing my hair in pin curls when it gets really humid out. Why fight my natural frizz?
Crystal I live in your area so I KNOW what you're talking about. :laugh: It's horrible girl

Keioni'smom, I didn't even think about sweating....I'm don't perspire much. I would wear my hair in a ponytail more often, but I think I look so plain jane with them. I guess plain jane is better than poofy jane though. :laugh:

Webby, do you double up on any particular product when you wear your pin curls?
JenniferMD said:
Crystal I live in your area so I KNOW what you're talking about. :laugh: It's horrible girl

Keioni'smom, I didn't even think about sweating....I'm don't perspire much. I would wear my hair in a ponytail more often, but I think I look so plain jane with them. I guess plain jane is better than poofy jane though. :laugh:

Webby, do you double up on any particular product when you wear your pin curls?
No, because I don't use any products designed to "hold" the hair, like hair spray. If I used additional products, my hair would probably feel weighted down.
The same exact thing happens to me. On the extra humid days, my hair literally expands and it's like I don't have a relaxer/texturizer at all. It wouldn't be so bad, but I have a part that's more underprocessed than the rest (unfortunately in the middle) and on the extra humid days it flares up and looks ridiculous :lol: .

I use Razac Perfect for Perms Polishing Gloss to combat the frizziness. It helps a little, especially at night when I when I do pin curls and wrap my hair up. I only use a nickel sized amount too. Like most of the other ladies said, I just resort to a bun because my hair is fine and it doesn't know how to act in this weather! One thing though, if I airdry and wear it curly, for some reason humid weather makes the curls more defined and soft!

BTW Jen, I LOVE :love: your updates!!! My curls wanna be as bouncy as yours!!!
You are not alone hair just puffs out when it's humid out. The only thing that helps me is oil, but I wear my hair in a bun practically everyday anway because it is way too hot and I go to the gym daily. I would NEVER be able to hold a curl.

Quick Story: I was on a date years ago and we were standing by the pier in New York. My hair was looking really nice all day lots of curls. We were standing at the pier about 20 minutes then my date said "What happened to your hair" I was like "What???" he said "It's all frizzy??" Well I looked in the mirror and I basically had a wild afro. I was so embarassed :( . Standing by the water made my hair fall and frizz. I had to spend the rest of my date like that :lachen:
This humidity and heat in Texas is horrible also. I have been reduced to buns, and ponytails because a curl will not stay in my fine hair.
lkg4healthyhair said:
You are not alone hair just puffs out when it's humid out. The only thing that helps me is oil, but I wear my hair in a bun practically everyday anway because it is way too hot and I go to the gym daily. I would NEVER be able to hold a curl.

Quick Story: I was on a date years ago and we were standing by the pier in New York. My hair was looking really nice all day lots of curls. We were standing at the pier about 20 minutes then my date said "What happened to your hair" I was like "What???" he said "It's all frizzy??" Well I looked in the mirror and I basically had a wild afro. I was so embarassed :( . Standing by the water made my hair fall and frizz. I had to spend the rest of my date like that :lachen:
That happened to me last year at the Bmore Aquarium. Walked in sleek, left with a puff :lachen:
Hello Ladies,

I too am experiencing the same with the humidity, I have been wearing a bun for the last couple of weeks. I just continue to apply oil to my hair in the Am/PM . Today is a little milder, but the air is still a little thick.

Stay cool!
GiRLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I am texture relax too. I had an interview earliuer this month got my hair blowdry and wrap. When iI reached my destination I took my wrap down. Okay, so I had my interview, on the way out I happen to past a mirror. Can you say:eek: :eek: :eek: :perplexed . My hair was in a afro :confused: . I know that the job was not mines thwe interviewer was white inaddition to this I was late.
My hair is hype sensitive to humidity. The only styles which look decent on me in this weather is wash 'n wear and twist outs.

The main reason I don't bother with relaxing is because of my hair's sensitivity. I've had many an unintended afro. :ohwell:
Has anyone tried Aveda Antihumectant? I bought it, after all my curls fell out in about 5 min. flat...walking from the parking lot into a Will Downing concert. Fortunately, there was no frizz...just superstraight hair that look amazing (I'm so sure I could never re-create that look again in life). I should have know better than to buy this stuff, because I don't wear pomades or hair grease of any kind...just my PJism in overdrive I guess :D

Also, what about that Sedal Anti Spong stuff?
Jen- your hair looks gorgeous! Love the july and italia pictures.

I'm not relaxed so I usually don't even bother to straightened my hair if there's humidity. Aveda anti-humectant is relatively effective- my flat iron lasted a week. BUT- I'm not dealing with humidity.
JenniferMD said:
Are really gonna end up fighting! :mad:

It feels like my hair just expands when it's humid outside and gets all bushy-like. My curls fall and get frizzy. This happened last night and to fix it for the morning I add serum and pin curl my hair tightly before putting on my silk scarf.

I'm texlaxed (hair doesn't fully take relaxers so is never all the way straight) so I feel like my hair is affected by the humidity worse than most.

Do relaxed ladies have this same problem????? Is there anything I can do before I go outside to calm down this problem?????

hey jennifer md, as i mentioned in a previous post, why try to fight nature?????? the best way to deal with the humidity is not to deal with it at all and just keep your hair pinned up and tucked away.
Tami said:
This humidity and heat in Texas is horrible also. I have been reduced to buns, and ponytails because a curl will not stay in my fine hair.

Ditto. I stick with the ponytails. My hair doesn't hold curls either. :( It's just too heavy.
I'm at the point where I don't even try to fight it anymore. I just slick it back and put it in a bun...I agree with Sherrylove, don't try to fight nature!
I live in Chicago and we have our days of what it feels like 100% humidity. This past week we had 105 degree weather! My I dont spend alot of time outdoors. That is the only way that I can fight humidity. I rollerset my hair 1-2X/ week and wrap it at night. I park in a garage at home and I park in a garage at work. Therefore my hair does not have to touch outdoor heat unless I choose to. Last week I went to my grandmothers unairconditioned house and my edges fro-ed up so quick! my hair doesnt hold curl to begin with so after having experienced this high humidity my hair was a mess!