Maybe Its just me but I feel a headache coming on


New Member
Ok ladies so I decided to stop at CVS to pick up some Monistat 7 before I went to the gym. Well after showering and settling down I decided to give this Monistat 7 a try and see what wonders it will do for me as it has done for you ladies. I mixed it with my Elasta QP only because I didnt have an empty jar to mix it in. Well as soon as I put it in I have noticed that I am starting to get a slight headache. Maybe its a mental thing because I have heard of other ladies getting headaches from using it. But why do I feel like my hair is growing as I sit and type this? I hope this works because now I am starting to get a little nervous. I feel weird:ohwell:. Im crying out for help.. Have I made a mistake in using this? :crazy: For the ladies that are actually using the monistat 7, how long did it take for you to see results? Im hoping my hair doesnt come out on my pillow in the morning
I have used it occasionally but if you are getting headaches, I would stop. It is a possible side effect of the stuff even if you are using it the other way :blush:
I have used it occasionally but if you are getting headaches, I would stop. It is a possible side effect of the stuff even if you are using it the other way :blush:

Well now that I ignored it and as Im sitting here watching flavor flav I noticed that it has gone away.. it wasnt really a headache it was like a dull pain. I think I was hallucinating:ohwell: but If I continue its use and its really noticeable I am definitely putting this Monistat 7 back in my medicine cabinet and call it a day. but then again somethin tells me to listen to u :sad:
Well now that I ignored it and as Im sitting here watching flavor flav I noticed that it has gone away.. it wasnt really a headache it was like a dull pain. I think I was hallucinating:ohwell: but If I continue its use and its really noticeable I am definitely putting this Monistat 7 back in my medicine cabinet and call it a day. but then again somethin tells me to listen to u :sad:

Maybe watching flavor flav gave you the headache :look::lachen::lachen:

But seriously, be careful. :yep:
If you are having headache's you should stop using it. However If you were really Hallucinating :lol: give it another shot.
I had the same problem, mn gave me BAD headaches. After a few days I added more oils to my concoction and the headaches went away. It was way too cncentrated, so I ha to dilute it more. Try adding more stuff to your mix to further dilute the mn :yep: