May I 'Keep' You?


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
How many of you feel like something 'thrown away', not of value, no reason to exist or to simply be around, even those you love or want to love?

How many feel as if you are dying inside, drained of life and blood, no energy to face another gray clouded day... yet while still the sun shines?

Who / what made you feel as if you've been in a shreadder, that you've been tilled through a tractor that gathers hay?

There are yet still bruises and contusions that mar your heart, which feels too tender to touch and be healed from all that has torn it to pieces.

Before you do or think anything else about your life can you do this? Let Life give you more life...from the heart of God.

For just one moment, God is asking you for just that and nothing more...just one moment for His hand has always been upon you. His heart has always been open for you. His love has never ceased, even in the very midst of all of the hurt, the tears, the drain and the pain.

Just 'One'. That's all. Just One.

Just One More Moment. One Moment to hear His Whisper that is saying ever so clearly to you, these very words which are:

"May I Keep You?"

God is not throwing you away no matter what you are in the midst of. He has not named you, 'Debris'. He has not created you to cease in life for in Him you will always live forever.

God is reaching out to you with His love asking: "May I Keep You?"

Have you noticed in the Bible that not one person has He ever thrown away; there were only those who drew from Him and/or walked away.

No matter what sin they were in, He chose to embrace them... His heart always asked, "May I Keep You?".

Remember Rahab?... a prostitute; He did not throw her away.

Remember the Woman with the 'issue of blood' (forbidden to be in the company of anyone). Though she pulled from His Virtue, He did not throw her away.

Remember Mary Magdeline? She brushed His feet with her hair...He did not throw her away.

The woman at the well... He did not throw her away.

The woman caught in adultery... He embraced her, shielded her from her abusers and accusers; He did not throw her away.

Right here and now, in your very darkest of darkness, in your very deepest of regrets, frets and tears; no matter the number of years, Jesus is calling unto you... reaching out with His heart, not His glove. He is asking:

'May I Keep You?'

Please say 'Yes' and allow Him to take you into His heart where He will keep you, protect you, heal and comfort you, 'forever'.

Hear the love of His whisper: Come to me, my beautiful child, "May I Keep You?'

You answer Him....... "Yes" :love3:

Long ago the LORD said ... "I have loved you, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself. (Jeremiah 31:3)

"May I Keep You?" :love3:


I've been feeling down and frustrated all week ... this was perfect timing. :yep: This was everything.

Thanks, Shimmie.
Love you Shimmie with the heart you have for others I have it for you!!! Thank you as last night was the first night in months I was able to fall asleep before 3am and not be restless.

I am saying Loud and clear...YES!!
I was just going to write a random thought about how tired and drained I've been feeling , and then I read this. Thanks so much Shimmie!!!!
I was just going to write a random thought about how tired and drained I've been feeling , and then I read this. Thanks so much Shimmie!!!!

Love you @Shimmie with the heart you have for others I have it for you!!! Thank you as last night was the first night in months I was able to fall asleep before 3am and not be restless.

I am saying Loud and clear...YES!!

Glory to God... stepluv and LoveisYou, God loves you so much.

In Song of Solomon chapter 4, verse 7 God says:

"I find no spot in you" ...

God sees you crying, He sees you hurt; He picks you up and looks in your tear filled eyes, whispers in your heart,

My Love, you're neither ragged nor torn, you're most beautiful and beloved to are my forever treasure beyond any material measure;

Therefore, "May I keep you?"