On break
So now I'm curious...your reviews always lead me to look up the featured product!
I'm guessing you like this more than the CR Rinse?
I do!

I don't think anything is going to compare to the 22nd Century Natural Woman Shampoo Bar for me, but the CR Rinse is probably my second favorite "shampoo." My hair feels hydrated after using it, and I did a little detangling with it, but nothing on par with the 22CNW Shampoo Bar.
With the 22CNW Shampoo Bar, it's about what it does to wash day overall, mainly because once applied and once I elongate my hair with it in, my hair just stays long/stretched like that for a while. And my hair is slippery. Detangle-ability city!

There's another LHCF member here who feels the same way. But . . . I'm sure it won't do everyone's hair the same. Shipping is kinda costly, IMO, so it's a risk trying it. Her LHCF handle is mayoo. She might have helpful information about it.