Maxiglide users....


New Member
two questions...

1. have you ever tried Maxius products for straightening your hair?? and if so, what have been your results??

2. have you figured out how or become more comfortable with maneuvering it in order to get flips or bumb the ends under??

i've have never tried them personally but my older cousin (natural for a number of years) uses their products to straigten her hair. She loves them and they do a good job of helping to get her her hair straight. She also uses a flat iron made by them and that is really good too. She actually flat iron my little cousin hair (natural 2c I think) and her hair came out so good. Don't know the name of the products she uses but I could ask her and let you know.
I don't use their products but I love my Maxiglide. I find that I make better flips and bumps when I use the flat plate than the plate with the detangling teeth.
I dont use any of the Maxius products but I do bump the ends under and even curl with this iron (it produces big bouncy barrel-like curls), I just practiced until I got it right. I use the flat plate to curl or bump, I only use the teeth to straighten.