Maxiglide Temperature Conversion


New Member
Maxiglide goes up to 423 degrees F. So, based on that, the settings of 1-10 are the following degrees.


When I used the maxiglide, I did one swipe at temp setting 5 meaning 212 degrees. On any other flatiron, if I tried using 212 degrees, my hair would laugh. Is this conversion correct? How do you determine the temp of the maxiglide? Could it be that people who use it at setting 1 are only getting 42 degrees of heat?!?
Somehow I doubt that setting 1 is 42 degrees F (which is only 10 degrees from freezing) cause I use setting 1 and it gets my natural hair pretty straight.

I think they should put conversions on the box though!!!:mad:
Maybe someone should email the company
What is the problem with my hair. My hair type is 4a/b and I have my maxiglide on 1 and it seems like it is too hot for my hair. What's up with that?
this is why I shyed away from Maxiglide partly, i must be able to know what temp im using and Id heard some ppl saying setting 1 was hot enough which kinda scared me LOL,, anyone tried the toilet paper test,, take a damp piece of toilet paper and squeeze it between the iron, it should sizzle and dry the paper but if it scorches the paper brown thats what its doing to your hair... ladies. and I thought mine was low on 5! I dont know if it was the relaxer or the Maxiglide this time but I have NEVER had hair this straight. I am loving it.
tsmith said:
What is the problem with my hair. My hair type is 4a/b and I have my maxiglide on 1 and it seems like it is too hot for my hair. What's up with that?
Same here. Setting one is plenty hot for me, sometimes I even cut it off so it will cool down.
You know what? When that blue light stops flashing on setting 1 and then I turn the dial it doesn't start flashing again until setting 5! Does that mean that settings 1-4 are the same temp?? Or is mine just broken. It's always done that though.:confused:
I think i remember reading that some of the ceramic flat irons today start about 220 or 240....i'on exactly remember but around the 200 degree range. I use the Maxiglide at '1' too...I use tons of heat protectant but sometimes I still worry about all that smoking going on.
getmoore said:
You know what? When that blue light stops flashing on setting 1 and then I turn the dial it doesn't start flashing again until setting 5! Does that mean that settings 1-4 are the same temp?? Or is mine just broken. It's always done that though.:confused:

The flashing light indicates its heating up. When you turn the dial, it is heating up to the new setting you have turned the dial to. When the light stops flashing that means it's ready. :cool: