Maxiglide ???s


Well-Known Member
Good Day ladies,

I did a search for reviews on the maxiglide but I wanted a fresh take on the subject. In December I plan on flat ironing my hair myself for New Years length check but I am debating if I should purchase the miniglide or use my solia(sp?) I have never flat ironed my entire head myself before and I am very nervous so any suggestions is greatly appreciated:) I have been scouring the youtube, LHC, LHCF and other sites looking for reviews and techniques. I am determine to do this right this time:grin:
Bumping for reviews. I know alot of ladies love their maxiglides how does it compare to other flat irons you have used? Are you relaxed or natural? :)
This is very interesting because I was thinking about the flat iron because of the steam but I guess it does make sense that steam AKA water would make my hair revert DUHHH:)
I love my Maxiglide. I only use it on the 1 or 2nd setting. The highest I remember using is 5. I recommend carefully combing the hair section before using will make it easier and your hair won't snag on the combs. After using the Maxiglide, I don't think i will ever use a flat iron. I am down to using it maybe once every three months.

NOTE: If you buy it and don't want it, you will have no problems selling it on EBAY.
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I love the results from the Maxiglide but it's too fragile. Mine recently just stopped working. I only used it 3 times if that, and had it sense last December. That's only 9 months. Thank goodness for warranties. UGH! Word of advice, DON'T LET ANYONE USE YOUR MAXIGLIDE, ANYONE. Unfortunately, I wasn't the ony one who liked it and they used it more than I did and had the nerve to buy a brand new one for themself and only a few days after they got their's; I decovered mine was broken. Funny huh. Don't forget to use distilled water only. When I get my new one, no one will know about it and I will have a no use policy!

Oh, I'm natural and the steam worked great to moisurize my hair and it stayed straight for a week. I couldn't take having straight unwashed hair for any longer than that. I used the high setting of 8-10 which really got it bone straight. It also helps to use frizz control on your hair and make sure you don't have a lot of oils and conditioner on your hair before you flat iron.
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I love my maxi-glide and even though I don't use it very often, I have to say that the steam worked great. It stayed straight for 3 days but I wanted to wear a twist out and co-washed.