matted new growth HELP! Weave gurus


Well-Known Member
I only wore my weave for 4 weeks. I did emergencee and deep conditioned before the installation.. I waited 2 weeks after a touch up before the install.. Went to a good hair dresser. My hair in the top of my crown grows quickly especially in the summer so I only left the weave in for 4 weeks. My hair is very smooth and feels good ecept for the new growth which is all matted. I do not want another set back so last night after take down I oile my length and put into 5 ponytails and braided the ends so they didn't further tangle. Flash forward to this morning and the oil did not seem to do much to the matted hair. I really don't want a set back and am asking for help before I proceed. I do not want to rip my hair out. I wish I hadn't even put the weave in but I was traveling for a few weeks and didn't want the hassle of lugging the hair arsenal with me.

I am relaxed/texlaxed and I am 6 weeks post relaxer. I conditioned my woven hair using crown and glory technique during install. I have 4d hair meaning It loves to dread! I am afraid to put conditioner on the matted parts right now becasue water usualyl makes my nautural hair mat more. Help! what should I do???
Wow. Sorry this happened. Have you tried saturating your hair with grapseed oil? You can put that on your hair, gently squeeze that in and then sit under a hooded dryer for 15-20. This should help loosen some of the matts. You are going to have to take small sections and go little by little with the tail of a rat tail comb to get the matts out. Make sure you squeeze in a little extra oil as you go. It may take a few hours but time and patience will help.

Good Luck!
My braider swears by Dr. Miracle's leave in conditioner as a detangler.

I used Mane & Tail detangler, which works too.
I used Mane and Tail for this takedown:

It took me a few hours to detangle my hair after removing Havana twists.
I plan to use Dr. Miracle's next time to see if it's a faster process.

Don't be shocked by the amount of hair. So long as you are patient, it should all be shed hair and not breakage.

This was after 8 weeks:
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I agree with the oil suggestion and rat tail comb. Make sure you gently pull out wards (left and right) and not down on your hair, making tangles and mattes worst. Take gentle tugs at single strands, usually one of them will be the cause of the entire web. Patience, lots of patience. May take a couple days because your arms will get tired, etc.
I had the same problem as yours when I took out my weave after 8 weeks. It took me 3 whole days to get the knots and tangles out. I used a lot of patience and oils and a big needle to do it and in the end I didn't lose much hair. Good luck.
I'm not a weave guru lol, but I've had matted hair a few times for different reasons. I just took my hair out of crochet braids (it was very tangled BEFORE the install). I spent several hours over the last two days detangling my hair, it was extremely matted. I tried coconut oil, and then I tried conditioner(kinky curly knot today), but they seemed to make it worse (my strands were more sticky). After looking online, a few sites suggested using a spray or conditioner that is specifically used for detangling (it has to say "detangler"). I bought Johnson and Johnson's no more tangles, and I almost cried with joy lol. My tangles came out very easy. I still had to be gentle, and pull the strands apart, but I couldn't even part my hair before. This spray really worked for me. I found that I had shed hair wrapped around my strands which was causing more tangles. It took me about 6-8 hours (over two days) to detangle completely.

Edited: I used my fingers to get the knots out, and after detangling a large section, I used a regular comb (I don't usually, but I wanted to make sure all the shed hair was out).
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I'm sorry I have no suggestions but this is making me very nervous since I plan on taking out my weave this weekend :nono:. I hope you can get your strands safely detangled!
If I were you, I wouldn't use any coconut oil. It's high in protein and makes the strands terse. Use a "relaxing" oil like olive, avocado or something like that. They said to soak the hair and then apply a heating cap or other source for 30 minutes. Then I'd follow the suggestions to gently remove the loose hairs side-by-side, a little section at a time. Kinky Curly Knot Today is recommended on some websites. I wouldn't immediately wash the hair either. Twist or braid for a day or so, then comb, comb, comb before you shampoo. You hair needs to let loose of that braiding pattern. Good luck, OP.
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thanks so much for the advice. and naturalmanenyc for the photo. my oil did have some coconut in it so that explains that. soaked over again in olive oil pick up some johnson & johsn and i do have some man and tail in the house so will slowly try to get through this.
It happened to me. I called a stylist and she suggested I use a vent brush. I sprayed on detangler for slip then took small sections and detangled with the vent brush. It took three hours but it worked. Then after detangling a sizable portion I loosely rebraided. I washed and conditioned my hair in braided sections. DO NOT wash your hair until each section is thoroughly detailed or you risk matting.