it worth it?


Well-Known Member
I've been holding my credit card...I made an account but it doesn't even let me upload photos. Basically you have to pay and it's 20 a month. @_@ I'm only making it out of curiousity, and to look at the cuties. I'm honestly scared to try online dating, and feel kinda desperate for looking at it too...but I'm pretty bored and don't get out much so I don't see how else I'll meet someone. So is it worth it? Anyone experienced with it willing to chime in?
I've done it, I went on some good dates. But I don't think it's better than a free site.
If you're just going into online dating, and just want to browse and get your feet wet, I would definitely try a free one first. I also would recommend OkCupid -- it's the only one I'm on now.
I have tried match, e-harmony and ok cupid. And out of all 3 i had better responses on the free one. You should try it and see. If you want to try match wait until they have like preview sale that way you get a couple of days or i think a week for free to try it out and see.
Thanks for the advice. I just made an account on okcupid, not really finding much interesting but I'll give it time.
i've been on and off of pof and okcupid for years now. i finally broke down and joined match today. idk yet if its worth it, but so far, it doesn't seem like it :sad:
I had tried ok cupid but i didnt have much luck on that site maybe one date but thats about it. POF had a lot of dates on that one which didnt lead to anything serious but it was fun while it lasted. I met my current man at which lol is random cause its not on everyone list but we been together four years since we met on there so i would sugest signing up on all websites which i did and just havce fun dont take it serious. I was just lookin for a friend because i was new to the area and obvisouly it lead to sommething more. have fun
I unsubscribed to match a couple days ago. Nothing interesting. Waste of money for me. On OKC, I was going out on dates 2-3 a week at one point. So I don't get it.
so far match seems to be a waste.. i dont even log on.. of course when i finally gave up on pof and subscribed to match, i meet two decent guys the same exact day (on pof) and have been talking to them constantly since.. smh
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So far no good. None of the ones I like want to chat and ones that do I don't.I feel stupid for trying but once it's over it's a wrap.
Well, my brother just married my sister in law (medical resident) 2 weeks ago at a beautiful museum in Washington. They met on last July 2011. He proposed to her Thanksgiving 2011. He owns a beautiful house & car, her ring cost him $13,000 and he has a great career. He's a good man, handsome, and has a good relationship with God & family. So, there are some good men looking for wives on

I also just read somewhere that a sistah did an experiment with her profile. The 1st week she listed her ethnicity as black only. She got maybe 2 or 3 replies a day or that week.

Then the following week she ADDED white and Hispanic as additional ethnicities. Boy, those emails came flooding into her inbox. The emails included black men who were complimenting her on her exoticism by being mixed. Some even wrote about a great great aunt or grandmother that was non-black in order to gain her favor. Men of all ethnicities were contacting her. Remember some men on are primarily interested in white, Hispanic, Asian, Indian but not black (my experience browsing men's preferences on including black men). The odds are a bit lower for black women. But, there's still a good chance to find the right fit on :yep:
Remember, when men on run searches for women, they select specific ethincities on the filter screen. Some...ok...many guys do not select black women. So imagine if they do a search for white, asian and hispanic women and you appear on the screen. You'll get their attention with your picture alone. So, that's one strategy.

You won't be lying because im sure at least 1 of your ancestors was not of African descent. That's my case. If I wasn't focused on other mating grounds right now I'd return to for a 1 month experiment.
Remember, when men on run searches for women, they select specific ethincities on the filter screen. Some...ok...many guys do not select black women. So imagine if they do a search for white, asian and hispanic women and you appear on the screen. You'll get their attention with your picture alone. So, that's one strategy.

You won't be lying because im sure at least 1 of your ancestors was not of African descent. That's my case. If I wasn't focused on other mating grounds right now I'd return to for a 1 month experiment.

What race do you put? And also...wouldn't it seem like you're turning your back on who you are? Idk...just the thought seems weird..but what you're saying makes sense
I've met three interesting men so far on Match but no one on Cupid yet. I think I'll stay on for a little while longer. I'll see what happens.

Remember, when men on run searches for women, they select specific ethincities on the filter screen. Some...ok...many guys do not select black women. So imagine if they do a search for white, asian and hispanic women and you appear on the screen. You'll get their attention with your picture alone. So, that's one strategy.

You won't be lying because im sure at least 1 of your ancestors was not of African descent. That's my case. If I wasn't focused on other mating grounds right now I'd return to for a 1 month experiment.

I'm going to disagree with this strategy. I don't think we should make ourselves candidates for men who have said bluntly they are not interested because of our race. Even if they do write you, what do you think their motivations are? Are you somehow better or more acceptable because they think you are more recently mixed than other black girls? Do you really want to talk to someone like that?

All the guys I've been talking to are white. I came up on their search because they selected "no preference" for race and I selected everything but Middle Eastern and East Indian. All three have dated black women before and either prefer us or just don't care as long as we have something in common and find each other attractive. All three men have had quality conversations with me online and it's clear that we have a lot in common. They recognized this and decided to strike up a friendly conversation.

I encourage sisters to look for quality, not quantity. I have a mixed friend that's the black man's dream. Big boobs, long straight hair, nice smile, and light skin. She gets tons of men, but most of them aren't quality. They just like the way she looks and don't care about her as a person. I would caution any black woman to think twice about any man who said he doesn't want to date a black woman in his profile, but still contacts you. Like I said to the other poster a few days ago, the white guy that contacted her probably realized that other races of women can be beautiful. But I seriously question how far a relationship can go with someone who couldn't conceptualize being with a black women and then suddenly starts talking to one. You may be his entry into dating black women and that can have it's issues.