
Well-Known Member
Message from a friend. Can you ladies help her out?
I have been losing a lot of hair lately. Some of it I noticed is broken off due to what I believe is moisture overload. But also I realized that I have had a bad shedding problem for maybe 2 yrs now, and lately noticed the bulk of my hair has decreased a significant amount. I decided to get blood work tested and found out that I have very low iron with a ferratin level of 5 (healthy level is 50). I just started taking Slow FE a couple of days ago. I also take hairfinity pills.

I would like to know ANY advice you girls can give me PLEASE regarding my iron deficiency:
1. Tips to boost up my iron level quicker so as to not loose much more hair.
2. What foods to avoid and which to intake more of.
3. How long does it take for the iron to increase in your system and the shedding to decrease.
4. Any other helpful tips or advice to share with me for help!

Thank You!!
I could never take iron pills so I found using this product worked the best for me, and it boosted my iron levels nicely.

Floradix or Floravital

You can get them from Vitaminshoppe or simply google. Its a liquid iron supplement that won't constipate you the way iron tabs will.
I just take the pills my doctor gives me. Broccoli, shrimp, red meats, lima beans, collardfs greens are full of iron. My mother tells me to drink grape juice and eat liver and onions. I can only get down with the former part of that sentence. There are a lot of foods in your grocery store that are "iron fortified(sp?)", like pasta. Honestly, I don't think there is a way to speed up progess on your hair shedding. It takes 28 days for you to see an effect on the body, so you have to just stick with it. I knew my iron was working for me, because I saw a change in my skin (it was dry and ashy, and extremely thin) for the better, after a month. If you're due for you yearly check-up I would talk to your doctor, because they can prescribe something stronger. Aslo make sure you're drinking a lot of water and up your fiber, to keep your "business" regular. Keep ducolax on hand.
I eat a lot of dark green vegetables and red meats and organ meats. Those kinds of foods will take care of iron deficiency.
I also take Slow FE, it has been a life saver. The pills my dr. prescribed made my stomach hurt. I hated the way floradix tasted. I had horrible shedding last summer and it was due to my lack iron. I got a cut about 3 inches. I also use nexxus emergencee every other week.

For foods, I eat dark leafy veggies with dinner and lunch (80% of the time).
Didnt read the comments but be sure to eat iron-rich foods everyday. Also, invest in a cast iron skillet and cook with it frequently. It definitely makes a difference!
First off I can relate. I found out in September that I am anemic and will have to take iron pills. To tell you the truth, I went through the same thing. I was starting to lost my hair (shedding) due to it. I found some iron pills at Walmart.... that actually helped my count go up in 6 weeks.

Having it is something crazy.... many side effects. But if u take the iron pills it should help. Also, this site that I looked up (just for you...) gives u all the foods listed that have high iron and the MGs.

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concord grape wine, so the dr. says. I think it works very well and it;s cheap less than $4. with an added mood enhancement ;)
I am anemic and I was taking Slow-FE and Mega Blood Builders to build it back up.

I eat a small amount of red meat daily and I also eliminated gluten from my diet--if you are sensitive to gluten it can cause malabsorption of vitamins so it doesn't matter if you're taking iron pills or whatever. I was also deficient in Vitamin D.

Since eliminating gluten, I no longer take the iron supplements and as of July I had my blood checked and I am in a normal range. I also know that I'm good because I'm no longer tired, muscle/joint aches, etc.

I'm not saying that this is the case with you, but it might be something that you might take a look at in the future if the iron supplements don't work for you:

Malabsorption of Vitamins and Minerals in Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity.
This is a great thread. I'm borderline anemic and have been for years. I finally decided to take this seriously so I use blood builders and FLoradix is the BOMB!! It tastes like Iron (yuck) but whatever. U only drink a tiny amount anyway and I've been taking it once a day because the stuff is expensive and I want it to last!

I also try and incorporate spinach and dark veggies into EVERY meal if I can. If you like salad make it with spinach. It tastes so much better with spinach that I don't want regular lettuce anymore!!!
I am also anemic. I take Floradix and it helped me improve very rapidly.

On July 31, 2010 my Hgb was 7.3
On September 31, 2010 my Hgb was 9.0
On October 24, 2010 my Hgb was 12.4 :yep:

In order for the iron to absorb well, you will need to take it with Vitamin C. Which means, orange juice, lemons juice, grape fruit juice, etc, or just take Vitamin C. Actually most vitamins absorb better with Vitamin C. For example MSM, Biotin, B vitamins. If you are using some of these hair growth vitamins and they don't seem to be working try adding a little extra Vit. C and see if it makes a difference.

Try to avoid coffee, tea, soda for one hour before and after you take you vitamins and drink plenty of water to help them absorb.

I was actually losing my hair. ALL the hair on my body became very thin. Because my levels were so low, it took about 6 weeks before I noticed a big difference in my shedding. I have a noticed a difference in the quality of the new growth. It is softer and and the breakage has reduced drastically. I am rocking a TWA, so it is easy for me to tell the difference. HTH
I'm not anemic but my iron was very low (11) and had been for a while.. Hair shed and thinned a lot...Dermatologist ordered blood work and determined ferritin level and prescribed iron supplements... I took liquid iron til it was gone then went back to supplements.. I took them with orange juice... In march of this year I bc'd to start over....
This is true! My doc told me to make sure to dring at least one glass of oj per day to help better absorb any iron I take in whether it be from supplements or foods.
I am also anemic. I take Floradix and it helped me improve very rapidly.

On July 31, 2010 my Hgb was 7.3
On September 31, 2010 my Hgb was 9.0
On October 24, 2010 my Hgb was 12.4 :yep:

In order for the iron to absorb well, you will need to take it with Vitamin C. Which means, orange juice, lemons juice, grape fruit juice, etc, or just take Vitamin C. Actually most vitamins absorb better with Vitamin C. For example MSM, Biotin, B vitamins. If you are using some of these hair growth vitamins and they don't seem to be working try adding a little extra Vit. C and see if it makes a difference.

Try to avoid coffee, tea, soda for one hour before and after you take you vitamins and drink plenty of water to help them absorb.

I was actually losing my hair. ALL the hair on my body became very thin. Because my levels were so low, it took about 6 weeks before I noticed a big difference in my shedding. I have a noticed a difference in the quality of the new growth. It is softer and and the breakage has reduced drastically. I am rocking a TWA, so it is easy for me to tell the difference. HTH

Thanks for this info....

I was dangerously anemic - HGB was 4...My hair is fine, but it had gotten paper thin, and even the hair on my legs seemed to stop growing or thinned out... I am now recovering and hope to see a big change in my health ( most important) and my hair ( 2nd most important LOL)
I am also anemic. I have been shedding like crazy lately. I just started using Geritol..(doc suggested) Hopefully it will work...
Wow I have been Anemic all my life. I have always had fainting and dizzy spells but no hair loss. I take 3 Feosol tablets along with 500mg of vitamin C daily per my doctors orders. The red pills had me constipated but not Feosol. Sorry for TMI lol. I try to eat alot of fish and green veggies. Be sure to eat b4 you take iron pills because it will give you severe stomach cramps. Good luck on stopping the shedding.
Oh tell your friend to deep condition with Nexuss Humectress every two weeks it stopped severe shedding I had years ago. My shedding was from a hair stylist purposely trying to make my hair fall out but my hair is too black aka very resilient. Bleach and a perm at the same time won't even make my hair shed or fallout.
Great thread. My hair is always breaking. Seems like I can never make progress. My hemoglobin is 11.6 and my ferritin is 49. I'm taking iron supplements and I pray that I see a difference in my hair growth and strength.
I juice my veggies so I can get more vegetables in than I would normally. I juice greens as well as fruits. Beets have a high iron content and I add one to my juice blend on a regular basis.
Spatone worked wonders with me (my body absorb it quicker), more so than the Ferrous Sulphate tablets the Doctors gave me or Floradix. It stopped greatly reduced my shedding as well as other symptoms relating to Anaemia. Like everyone said above me, take it with OJ.