Massage really works!I have proof!


Well-Known Member
I have been doing scalp massges either dry or with Hot 6 Oil for the past 2 weeks on my very slow growing sides.I have however been neglecting my right side and tend to focus mainly on my left side.Yesterday I noticed I have way more new growth on my left than my right.My right has almost none which is normal for my sides since they grow so slow.But my left side has thick new growth about 0.5 inches.I made my bf feel it too to make sure and he was like yes there is a big difference in growth on the 2 sides.
This proves that massage really does work.Now I just have to start paying my right side more attention.

Just wanted to share this with everyone since I know sometimes we take so many things for hair growth that we are not sure which is working.(I also take MSM)
I definitely believe in scalp massages.
I've been doing them on a regular basis for a few weeks also, mainly because I was getting constant headaches from work-related stress and wearing my hair in a ponytail all the time. My hair is already thick, & i don't heat style but I think my hair is a little longer (despite shrinkage). I'm trying to revitalize my thinning hairline and I've yet to see results there, but I'll keep trying!
yeah this maybe why i got an inch this month instead on my half...i dunno 4 sure but i will keep a record and if it happens again i know for sure
When you massage with the you put the oil onto your fingertips and then rub your scalp? Does this cause an increased product build up?
i do mine every day...mostly at night, but some times 2x a day.i do it randomly but everyday for oils though..
I do mine everyday sometimes 2x a day. I switch somedays I use oil and some days I don't, but I've noticed growth.
I definitely believe in the benefits of massage.
Thanks for sharing your progress with us, Katie and congratulations on your success!
caramelle said:
Did u do it everyday for 2 weeks are only a few times a week? And for how many minutes did u massage it for?

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I tried to do it everyday but I may have missed at most 2 days.I massage for about 5 mins
lexi_24 said:
When you massage with the you put the oil onto your fingertips and then rub your scalp? Does this cause an increased product build up?

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I spray the oil on my fingertips.Just one spray.Hot Six Oil is very light so I don't get product buildup.
Scalp massages help me grow back in bald spot I once had
I massaged my scalp twice a day for 5 to 15 minutes.
I couldn't agree with you more! I had been curious how many of you do this and if you follow a particular regimen..daily? wash day? or just whenever you think of it?

as for the massage itself, I don't always do it this way, except when hubby gives me a treat, but here's a link to a perfect one... I can feel it all down my spine and in my sinuses and everything:

I scalp massage upon rising daily. I have a cup of hot water with a lemon slice while still in bed. (i eat the lemon slice whole for the vit. C). and then I swing my legs out to get up and bend at the waist while still sitting and massage as long as I feel like it (prob only abt 3-5 min.) then I get up and brush my hair before shower.
Sterry started a thread about massage using essential oils such as rosemary, emu, jojoba (I'll have to find the thread). She really speeded up her hair growth also! I started doing it with the oils she suggested (don't have any emu oil yet) and my hair somehow looks longer. I posted about it in the Vaseline challenge thread, thinking it was that. Maybe it was both but my hair does look longer to me since massaging. I do it in the morning and at night. I may start actually measuring my growth.
I do it throughout the day whenever the thought pops up in my head. I try not to do it when at school cause I've gotten weird looks. I think people think I have an itchy scalp or something. I think it contributes to faster growth.
another suggestion-to increase circulation, lie back on your bed with your head hanging and massage. the blood flow will get the scalp jumping!!
I'll agree... scalp massages are wonderful at getting the blood to circulate to those delicate "thinning" areas... with consistency, growth is the result
. By the way, I'm proof too
What about stretching before bed or when you wake in the morning? I particularly like bending at the waist and stretching my hamstrings. This gets the blood circulating (without having to break a sweat) and the head is hanging upside down.
I am a advocate of scalp massage. Every morning and every night.
I this has help me to achieve 1 inch of newly grown hair in each month.
Keep it up!
I wanted to say thanks sterry!It is your thread on massage that got me started on massage in the first place
Hey Katie,

Glad this helped. My hair is growing like crazy.
I do take supplements that I believe aids in the strength of my hair , but I really saw a difference with the massages.