Masking the scent of Ayurvedics & MTG


Well-Known Member
How are you asking the scent of your Ayurvedic oils and/or MTG? I made a prepoo with some of my oils the other night and when I woke up the next morning.... :blush:WOOOOOOO!:nono: Cowashing wasn't enough, I had to shampoo for atleast 30 minutes to get rid of the scent. I don't know if having twists had something to do with it (maybe some oils were trapped in the synthetic hair that I'm using?). I want to use my oils especially since I've heard that so many sistas are having great results. I'm having the same problem with MTG. But, now I'm tempted to wait until I remove my twists.

Please help. Summer's here and I'm self-consious about these odors. TIA!
Have you tried using ylang ylang or lavender essential oils? I've read quite a few MTG threads in the past where this was mentioned to cut down on the smell. I personally haven't tried it, but just thought I'd throw that out there.
Your twists were still holding some of the oil. If you prepoo with the twists I would take them down once you hair is wet for rinsing.

Twists for my are like locks, it is very difficult to get products out of them because my hair texture.

If you want to use a scent try the pepermint, also some of the citrus scents are good, lemon, orange, even grape are all really good.
Your twists were still holding some of the oil. If you prepoo with the twists I would take them down once you hair is wet for rinsing.

Twists for my are like locks, it is very difficult to get products out of them because my hair texture.

If you want to use a scent try the pepermint, also some of the citrus scents are good, lemon, orange, even grape are all really good.

Thanks Ladies. I may have to stock up on more EO's to help with the scents.