Marvin Sapp Makes Honest Plea


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Marvin Sapp Makes Honest Plea: ‘Please Stop Showing Up At My Home’

Sep 23, 2014
By Oretha Winston, Lead Editor

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Marvin Sapp, our pastor at large, took to his facebook account and made an honest heartfelt plea this morning.
Read below:

Ladies we have to do better. In a poll of Redbook readers, an astounding 81 percent of you said you had received unwanted advances (either verbal or physical) from men in a work situation, and 75 percent of you have been harassed outside the office (e.g., by a social acquaintance or a stranger). It’s never good to show up at anyone’s door uninvited. Period.
Wow. I believe Marvin Sapp has young children living at home...
ETA: May God build a hedge of protection around Marvin Sapp, his children, and home.
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Well, wha' wha' wha' What... What is it? What on earth is going on?

The Bible speaks of 'Silly Women' (in Church) and this is a sad example of it. :nono:

For of these are they that creep into houses, and take captive silly women laden with sins, led away by divers lusts,
I'm not surprised. He's single, he's a pastor and most "church women" figure that he "needs" a woman in his life. I'm not surprised one bit. They want the recognization that comes with being a "pastor's wife" or "first lady of the church", but they don't know what really goes into being the wife of a pastor or the first lady of a church.
I'm not surprised. He's single, he's a pastor and most "church women" figure that he "needs" a woman in his life. I'm not surprised one bit. They want the recognization that comes with being a "pastor's wife" or "first lady of the church", but they don't know what really goes into being the wife of a pastor or the first lady of a church.

He's rich so I'm sure he's getting unwanted attention outside of the church ladies as well. SMH! It's really sad.
He's rich so I'm sure he's getting unwanted attention outside of the church ladies as well. SMH! It's really sad.

True.. :yep:

Why doesn't he have security? It would make sense and he does have the money for it.
Thanks just wasn't enough

I'm not surprised. He's single, he's a pastor and most "church women" figure that he "needs" a woman in his life. I'm not surprised one bit. They want the recognization that comes with being a "pastor's wife" or "first lady of the church", but they don't know what really goes into being the wife of a pastor or the first lady of a church.
I wish people just leave him alone. I am still so sorry about the loss of his wife to cancer. I pray for all pastors at this time.
Didn't that poor girl who went missing and was found dead, show up at his house a few times? Dr. Teleka Patrick? And I think she claimed to be receiving subliminal messages from him too...
I didn't know the context of what was going on. Sorry his wife died from cancer. Also didn't know that Patrick was found dead. SMH.
Didn't that poor girl who went missing and was found dead, show up at his house a few times? Dr. Teleka Patrick? And I think she claimed to be receiving subliminal messages from him too...

I feel very sad about Teleka and her illness. She died all alone. May she rest in peace.
True.. :yep:

Why doesn't he have security? It would make sense and he does have the money for it.

He probably does have security when he travels and I'm sure he has an assistant to help aid him during church, but for day to day living he probably just wants to live like a "normal" person and not have someone constantly hanging around. He has security cameras. That should be plenty. It's sad when a person doesn't even feel secure in their own home.
What goes through these women minds? Gosh, desperation at its best!

We probably don't even want to know. Women can be relentless when it comes to pursuing a man. Especially a man who has some type of status in the church. A couple years ago on Iyanla, Fix My Live there was a pastor's wife on the show who needed courage to leave her husband who was a pastor of a church. This man had cheated on her with 10 women in the church and numerous other women outside the church. She knew what was going on, but didn't want to give up the status of being the pastor's wife. Some women go to church for all the wrong reasons.
We probably don't even want to know. Women can be relentless when it comes to pursuing a man. Especially a man who has some type of status in the church. A couple years ago on Iyanla, Fix My Live there was a pastor's wife on the show who needed courage to leave her husband who was a pastor of a church. This man had cheated on her with 10 women in the church and numerous other women outside the church. She knew what was going on, but didn't want to give up the status of being the pastor's wife. Some women go to church for all the wrong reasons.

This is so true!! Women have to be careful. Our God is a jealous God and there shall be no other god's before Him. Idolatry is sin. He makes this very clear for us.
We probably don't even want to know. Women can be relentless when it comes to pursuing a man. Especially a man who has some type of status in the church. A couple years ago on Iyanla, Fix My Live there was a pastor's wife on the show who needed courage to leave her husband who was a pastor of a church. This man had cheated on her with 10 women in the church and numerous other women outside the church. She knew what was going on, but didn't want to give up the status of being the pastor's wife. Some women go to church for all the wrong reasons.

Say what? Sad and these women still in that church? Amazing how some preachers are still acting like players.
We probably don't even want to know. Women can be relentless when it comes to pursuing a man. Especially a man who has some type of status in the church. A couple years ago on Iyanla, Fix My Live there was a pastor's wife on the show who needed courage to leave her husband who was a pastor of a church. This man had cheated on her with 10 women in the church and numerous other women outside the church. She knew what was going on, but didn't want to give up the status of being the pastor's wife. Some women go to church for all the wrong reasons.
Isnt that the same show, where he had a baby by one of church members, and she felt she should sit upfront with wife... That show was cray, wonders why there hasnt been an update, I am sure they got CRAZY blacklash off that...
Isnt that the same show, where he had a baby by one of church members, and she felt she should sit upfront with wife... That show was cray, wonders why there hasnt been an update, I am sure they got CRAZY blacklash off that...

Yep, that's the one. He had slept with 10 women in the church, fathered a child with one of the women, he and his wife were separated, but still putting on airs for the congregation. She was talking about she didn't want to lose her parking space at the church. They did get backlash. If I remember correctly, at the end of the show she got the courage to ask him for a divorce. The whole thing was sad. Being cheated on is hard enough, but when you have to face all the women each and every Sunday and see the child that was created.....that's a whole other beast.
Yep, that's the one. He had slept with 10 women in the church, fathered a child with one of the women, he and his wife were separated, but still putting on airs for the congregation.

She was talking about she didn't want to lose her parking space at the church. They did get backlash.

If I remember correctly, at the end of the show she got the courage to ask him for a divorce. The whole thing was sad. Being cheated on is hard enough, but when you have to face all the women each and every Sunday and see the child that was created.....that's a whole other beast.

mrselle, what show and preacher was this? :confused:

As for his wife, she had too much shame and pride conflicting with common sense, which means leaving the Church and her cheating husband. But to stay just for a 'parking spot'? ? ? Why stay there, period?

The Word of God says (in marriage), 'If the unbelieving departs, let him / her depart."

Obviously, this man she married was an 'unbeliever', as it is clearly obvious that he did not believe the 'Thou shalt not's" in the Bible. "Thou shalt not commit adultery."

In addition...

Committing adultery is 'departing' from the marriage. The man is not 'there' for her nor the marriage and mostly definitely not there with or for God.

This is one of the very reasons that validates a 'writ of divorcement' from a marriage. The guilty party has departed from their marriage and from God.

This woman had absolutely no reason for staying and allowing this man to make a greater shame of her. He's not a man of God; he's a wolf set out to devour the sheep. :nono:
Shimmie -

The show comes on OWN (Oprah's network) and it's called "Iyanla, Fix My Life". Iyanla Vanzant is the host of the show. She spends a few days with a family or person and helps them begin to sort out their issues. Imagine my shock when I learned that Iyanla is not even a real therapist. But, that's another story for another day.

I don't remember the couples name and where their church was. Somewhere in the south? I can't remember. The parking spot was not the sole reason for her staying. I should have been more specific. She did mention the parking spot and the seat at the front of the church, but the bigger issue was that she dealt with his cheating for years on end because she liked the recognition that came with being a pastor's wife. Needless to say, both of them had a lot of issues. Later on in the show it was revealed that he had been molested as a child. My main point....going back to Marvin that I continue to be amazed at the lengths women will go to for the attention of a man or the things women will endure to keep a man.
Shimmie -

The show comes on OWN (Oprah's network) and it's called "Iyanla, Fix My Life". Iyanla Vanzant is the host of the show. She spends a few days with a family or person and helps them begin to sort out their issues. Imagine my shock when I learned that Iyanla is not even a real therapist. But, that's another story for another day.

I don't remember the couples name and where their church was. Somewhere in the south? I can't remember. The parking spot was not the sole reason for her staying. I should have been more specific. She did mention the parking spot and the seat at the front of the church, but the bigger issue was that she dealt with his cheating for years on end because she liked the recognition that came with being a pastor's wife. Needless to say, both of them had a lot of issues.

Later on in the show it was revealed that he had been molested as a child. My main point....going back to Marvin that I continue to be amazed at the lengths women will go to for the attention of a man or the things women will endure to keep a man.

mrselle, thank you. I mean this, thank you very much.

I should know better, I must have missed this episode of Iylana. I keep missing the recent one with the 34 children by 17 different women... episodes. I've been 'out of the loop' lately.

Getting back to Pastor Marvin Saap, you ain't never lied Mrselle. Your posts are on point about these women and how they stretch themselves beyond the limits of decency and order just to get next to a man. I've seen more of this than I care to admit to. And by women that I thought had control of themselves. But then, not all women (or men) come to Church for worship. Instead, they come to be a distraction. :nono:

Thanks again for the info. :love2:
mrselle, thank you. I mean this, thank you very much.

I should know better, I must have missed this episode of Iylana. I keep missing the recent one with the 34 children by 17 different women... episodes. I've been 'out of the loop' lately.

Getting back to Pastor Marvin Saap, you ain't never lied Mrselle. Your posts are on point about these women and how they stretch themselves beyond the limits of decency and order just to get next to a man. I've seen more of this than I care to admit to. And by women that I thought had control of themselves. But then, not all women (or men) come to Church for worship. Instead, they come to be a distraction. :nono:

Thanks again for the info. :love2:

No problem, Shimmie.

I haven't seen the one about the man who has 34 children by 17 women. Granted, he could have lied to all the women, but at what point does a woman say, "I'm better than this." I don't think I've ever heard of a man lowering his standards for the sake of being married or for fear of being alone and yet women lower their standards all the time. It's disheartening.
I honestly believe that if he was serious about this he would hire security or call the police at each and everyone of these instances. Posting a notice to social media "asking" women to stop showing up to your house imo is counter productive and attention seeking.

It could be coming from a genuine place but these people posting these random notices to social media imo are just seeking attention.