Married women: exactly what was is.......


Active Member
that made the first several years of marriage tough for you? So many of you mention a 5-7 year "hump" that you had to get over in order to be settled in your marriage. Were the issues regarding finances, communication, lack of "me" time, chores, or something else? Exactly what makes early marriage difficult?
You learning him and him learning you. Plain and simple. You both come from two different "worlds" and will/may have different thought processes, beliefs and ways of doing things. Some things may be a little complex like how to raise children and how to manage finances. Other things may not be like how you want your towels folded, for example (you'll be surprised what a couple can argue over or have a disagreement about).
There is a great thread related to this... It is a sticky posted at the top of this forum.
There is a good sticky on this but....

Two years later after the fog and halo had dissappeared it was : his "little idiosyncrasies" such as taking 40 minutes to floss his teeth all over the house, not rinsing dishes left in a sink, and number #1.....wanting me to cook like his mother! My guy had only he had habits like they were all raised in a barn.

Plus he wasn't a handy-dan. My father, my mother, even my sisters were handy with tools and this guy had never heard of "fixing the toliet."
I have been with DH for nine years we have been married for about three years. So far we have not experienced any major hump. Things have been really good. We have had a few recurring arguments but for the most part I feel that those issues have been resolved. Especially since we both are very self reflective and after a while are able to realize how we contributed negatively to the situation.

When we argue one of us usually stops before it gets out of hand. I found that writing back and forth helps a lot after an I will send him an email and he will reply and I will reply back and this has worked out pretty well for us :)