Married? I have a question for you.


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies....

Just curious. Did you ladies have to **wait** on your current mate to be in a position to be a husband before you pursued a relationship? I mean development in the area of spiritual, emotional, or financial growth.

If so, can you please share how that situation played out.
Thanks :grin:
I met my husband when I was a freshman in college and he was a senior. I’d prayed to God and told HIM that I was ready to meet my future husband (I can’t remember the exact prayer, but it was something along those lines). Anyway, within about two weeks I met the man who would become my husband. Long story short, we dated off and on for two years. He is five years older than me, so we were in two totally different places in our lives. He was about to graduate and start his career, I’d just started college and still trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do, etc… After we broke up we remained friends. There were times we didn’t speak to each other for various reasons, but for the most part we stayed in contact with one another.

To answer your question…I did have to wait on my husband to be in a position to be a husband before we got back together. God told me that he was my husband. There were many times I thought I may have heard God wrong, but when I would pray for confirmation God would tell me that he was my husband, I just had to wait for right time. From the time God told me to the time that my husband and I started dating again was about 3 ½ years. During that time I focused on school and work. I went to church pretty regularly and spent a lot of time praying, absorbing and meditating on God’s word. I did date other guys and there were a couple of guys that I really, really cared about, but deep in my heart I knew that they weren’t for me. I dated until God told me I couldn’t date anymore. HE told me that I was a married woman in the spirit and I needed to carry myself as a wife would. While I was doing these things my husband was living his life….doing what he wanted to do. A very bad motorcycle accident kind of shook him up and caused him to re-think some things. After his accident he wasn’t able to care for himself, so he stayed with his parents until he could go back to work. During that time I would visit him one day a week. We would read the Bible, watch tv and talk. A few days before he went back to work he called me and during our conversation he told me that I had been such a good friend to him and he really appreciated my friendship. At the time I was so upset because I felt like he didn’t see me as anything more than a friend, but my prayer partner said that him saying I was such a good friend was the ultimate compliment. We had a few more bumps and bruises before we got back together, but when we did get back together it was wonderful.

It was hard watching my husband do what he wanted to do, date other women, etc…, while I was in constant prayer. What I didn’t see at the time is that God was working on him too. During our pre-marital counseling my husband told the pastor that he had been watching me from afar and that he could see how much I’d grown and matured spiritually and that was one of the things that attracted him to me.

If God is saying this man is your husband, stay encouraged. It may not look like it, but everything will work out.
this is my second marriage, but i waited 10 years before i met my husband and decided i'd let God do the choosing since i was so lousy at it. i also "dated" during those 10 years, practicing how i'd really love to date my husband. i didn't want any baggage for my next husband, so i waited that long for that reason as well. 6 months into our dating, he was scheduled to meet my children, but he also told me he talked with his ex. i told him thanks for letting me know and have a great life.

needless to say, he had to perform the courtship all over again and 3 months afterwards i felt he had proven himself honest enough to meet my children. we married that following year.