Marriage Prayer: Saving My Love for You - My Husband


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
This is for wives and singles... :yep:

I love you, my husband...and it is for you that I live to bring joy into your your lover, loved one, your wife.

Do you know that I've loved you long before I met you? Yes, Love...I have.

I've dreamed of you many times, both day and night. I thought of you even long, long ago when I was with another. For what I knew in my heart about you, was not in any of them. Yet, I was 'searching' for you only to discover in 'them' that love could never be. They were not you.

There's something about you that no matter where I am, I stop to think about where you are and that you are safe, well and protected.

For you see, in my heart loving thoughts and prayers for you are never rejected.

Though physically and verbally apart, I still 'feel' you, I sense you, I know you near and clear. For each night I yield to you in prayer, knowing somehow you are truly husband, my are real.

For Darling one, how else would I know how to pray for you? Yes for you I pray night and day. My husband, I already know and love you... you are in my heart to stay.

My Dearest Love, are you a 'vapor'? Hmmmm, No. A whisper? Hmmm, Yes. For that's the sound of your presense upon my thoughts. A soft whisper that speaks that you are not that far off.

My are near; no longer do I fear not knowing what is true... the beautiful and strong presence of 'you.'

My you not with me yet, matters not my love. You know me too, indeed you do. I know somehow you can 'hear' me, for "Deep calls unto deep." Indeed, know me, too.
Far from me no more will you be. Soon you will hear me whisper, My husband... I saved you 'all of me.' The answer to your prayers and mine. My husband, you were worth the wait...all of this time.
Shimmie said:

For you see, in my heart loving thoughts and prayers for you are never rejected. . . .

This really jumped out at me. I think you mentioned once before that even if we don't know who it is, it's a good idea to cover our future husbands with our prayers anyway. I'm really going to start doing that.

Whew, it's a tremendous leap of faith!! :lol:
pebbles said:
This really jumped out at me. I think you mentioned once before that even if we don't know who it is, it's a good idea to cover our future husbands with our prayers anyway. I'm really going to start doing that.

Whew, it's a tremendous leap of faith!! :lol:

You are so right. But so worth it.

The greatest "Draw" (magnet) is prayer. All we're doing in pulling in what's already done. Prayers that flow. Never forced...they just flow. Husbands are never forced, they just flow. In their hearts, they know where to go.

No witchcraft; no hocus-pocus; no self-will; no works of the devil.

"Not by might, nor by power; but by my Spirit, says the Lord."

Simply by yielding to the Holy Spirit and the needs of our 'husbands' we just choose to flow.'

Out of our Bellies shall flow living waters...

We're praying for what already Heaven.

"Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."

The whole beauty of flowing with the Lord, is that our husbands will never feel that they have been duped or tricked into anything. That's not God. Men have a right to choose even as we do.

Hmmmmm, the beauty, we chose each other. :yep:
This reminds me of something I saw on There is a journal that you can buy by Rebecca St. James, singer of a beautiful song to her future husband called "Wait For Me." (download that song!) That's the title of the journal too. It has prompts in it to write things about your future husband i.e. "today I prayed for you that. . ."
classimami713 said:
This reminds me of something I saw on There is a journal that you can buy by Rebecca St. James, singer of a beautiful song to her future husband called "Wait For Me." (download that song!) That's the title of the journal too. It has prompts in it to write things about your future husband i.e. "today I prayed for you that. . ."

Wow! Classimami, THANK YOU! This means much to me that you shared this. God always gives peace to my heart when I share a word that He gives me.

Every post I make is by 'Faith.' "Marriage" is the ministry that the Lord has placed me in. The irony is that I am not married, yet I flow in this area of life more than any other. Each day, I have to trust that I am moving by the promptings of the Lord. He said He would validate me and sure enough He used you to do just that.

God bless you....and again thank you for posting this. It means much. ;)
This is for wives and singles... :yep:

I love you, my husband...and it is for you that I live to bring joy into your your lover, loved one, your wife.

Do you know that I've loved you long before I met you? Yes, Love...I have.

I've dreamed of you many times, both day and night. I thought of you even long, long ago when I was with another. For what I knew in my heart about you, was not in any of them. Yet, I was 'searching' for you only to discover in 'them' that love could ever be. They were not you.

There's something about you that no matter where I am, I stop to think about where you are and that you are safe, well and protected.

For you see, in my heart loving thoughts and prayers for you are never rejected.

Though physically and verbally apart, I still 'feel' you, I sense you, I know you near and clear. For each night I yield to you in prayer, knowing somehow you are truly husband, my are real.

For Darling one, how else would I know how to pray for you? Yes for you I pray night and day. My husband, I already know and love you... you are in my heart to stay.

My Dearest Love, are you a 'vapor'? Hmmmm, No. A whisper? Hmmm, Yes. For that's the sound of your presense upon my thoughts. A soft whisper that speaks that you are not that far off.

My are near; no longer do I fear not knowing what is true... the beautiful and strong presence of 'you.'

My you not with me yet, matters not my love. You know me too, indeed you do. I know somehow you can 'hear' me, for "Deep calls unto deep." Indeed, know me, too.
Far from me no more will you be. Soon you will hear me whisper, My husband... I saved you 'all of me.' The answer to your prayers and mine. My husband, you were worth the wait...all of this time.

I am smiling at this right now. I wrote a poem ten years (1997) ago similiar to this (actually I wrote the the date and time I wrote it. It was in the middle of the night. I wish I could remember more of what I was feeling early that morning. I had no one in my life then. It is one of those things you look back on and are like "did I write that?" Surely it was God inspired and if I say so myself it was beautiful.). I read it recently and decided to have it printed and framed to give to my soon to be husband when we are married. When I read it now and I listen to our conversations and our experiences up to this point, it is practically prophetic. God simply amazes.
Someone needed's yours to have and to hold from this day forward. :yep:

Love and Blessings, Angels....:love3:
Someone needed's yours to have and to hold from this day forward. :yep:

Love and Blessings, Angels....:love3: did I miss this before?

Wow....this is awesome! I'm going to print out and share with the women in my marriage classes.

You are so anointed for marriage, Shimmie.

You are a dynamo...for sure!

Luv ya! did I miss this before?

Wow....this is awesome! I'm going to print out and share with the women in my marriage classes.

You are so anointed for marriage, Shimmie.

You are a dynamo...for sure!

Luv ya!
Love you too angel. I have more on here, somewhere :lol: Marriage is on my heart today pretty strong.

Someone needs to be encouraged, whether married or soon to be married (for our single ladies will be happily married). :yep: :amen:
Love you too angel. I have more on here, somewhere :lol: Marriage is on my heart today pretty strong.

Someone needs to be encouraged, whether married or soon to be married (for our single ladies will be happily married). :yep: :amen:

Shim, you about to make me melt outta my office chair this morning!!