Marriage by the state recognized by Church?


Active Member
This may seem like a stupid question, but do you think God recognizes a marriage down at "city hall" as a valid marrige?
Reece1337 said:
This may seem like a stupid question, but do you think God recognizes a marriage down at "city hall" as a valid marrige?

THis is so ironic, our pastor just spoke about that sunday. SHe said legally you don't have to get a marriage license by the state. Remember those bibles with marriage certificates in the front? THose are the true marriage licenses and has been that way since forever. Had me and my hubby thinking. But I think it is recognized especically if you were ignorant of that fact so maybe someones else can respond for a clearer answer.
Reece1337 said:
This may seem like a stupid question, but do you think God recognizes a marriage down at "city hall" as a valid marrige?

The Bible says obey the laws of the land, so I would think yes.
dlewis said:
The Bible says obey the laws of the land, so I would think yes.

I agree with you dlewis. Marriage is honorable. Remember, the ceremony that is taking place is between you, your mate and God. Everyone else is a witness to that covenant agreement.
Nice & Wavy said:
I agree with you dlewis. Marriage is honorable. Remember, the ceremony that is taking place is between you, your mate and God. Everyone else is a witness to that covenant agreement.

so you can get marry in a church or City Hall with a pastor present?
dlewis said:
The Bible says obey the laws of the land, so I would think yes.

Yes, my own thoughts are along these lines too.

I don't think the state is trying to compete with or override the church in this area. I do see how some would argue that you don't need a marriage "license" from the state for your union to be recognized by God. HOWEVER, if God forbid one of the spouses dies then without the license there is no "legal" marriage and therefore no "legal" entitlement to any assets of the deceased spouse. I think ultimately God would want us to use wisdom and to get a marriage license. Most pastors will not marry a couple without one anyway. And I'll end this by saying that we should not be so spiritually minded that we're no earthly good. The spiritual does not negate the natural. Though we are spirits, we currently live in these earthly bodies and thus we need to conduct ourselves accordingly. (without sin and without going against God's will of course)
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chinadoll said:
so you can get marry in a church or City Hall with a pastor present?

Your pastor don't have to be present. You can be married at city hall by a judge. I was married in my church by a judge who was a member.
Thank you all for your boyfriend and I want to get married, but don't have the money for a lavish ceremony. That'll have to come later, but we worried that if we just went "downtown" and applied for a marriage license, that our union wouldn't be official in God's eyes, if that makes sense.
I hope so since that is what my dh and I did :D . I would hate to be told 3 and 1/2 years later that it didn't count.

Yes It is recognized and like you we will have a formal wedding probably for our 5th anniverisity.
Supergirl said:
Yes, my own thoughts are along these lines too.

I don't think the state is trying to compete with or override the church in this area. I do see how some would argue that you don't need a marriage "license" from the state for your union to be recognized by God. HOWEVER, if God forbid one of the spouses dies then without the license there is no "legal" marriage and therefore no "legal" entitlement to any assets of the deceased spouse. I think ultimately God would want us to use wisdom and to get a marriage license. Most pastors will not marry a couple without one anyway.
And I'll end this by saying that we should not be so spiritually minded that we're no earthly good
The spiritual does not negate the natural. Though we are spirits, we currently live in these earthly bodies and thus we need to conduct ourselves accordingly. (without sin and without going against God's will of course)[/QUOTE][/quote]

Absolutely, 100% agree!!!