Marriage Breakfast


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

Please pray for me... My husband and I have to speak at a prayer breakfast next weekend for married couples. My prayer is that we share exactly what God wants us to share for those specifically in attendance and for the generations after... on my heart and deconstructing the soul mate and fairy tale myths but I need to be sure.

Thanks :-)
momi... God's best to you and DH on your marriage event this weekend... I'm confident the right words will be spoken. :yep:
Thanks everybody for the prayers... we received a call yesterday from the church. Their Assistant Pastor has passed away - (he'd suffered for quite some time) so they are going to reschedule the event.
Thanks everybody for the prayers... we received a call yesterday from the church. Their Assistant Pastor has passed away - (he'd suffered for quite some time) so they are going to reschedule the event.



My prayers are with the Pastor's family and congregation and with you and your husband.

Momi, you and hubby have a God given Destiny to fulfil and you can believe that you have my unending support:

(1) Because I believe in you as a person and as a woman of God whose husband is sold out for Jesus and;

(2) you are in a Ministry that lives deeply in my heart, defending and strengthening Marriages.. One Man, One Woman under God.

Thank you for taking this Ministry to heart.