March 2018 What Did You Buy This Week?

One pound, feels like firm Play-Doh and smells like nutty Play-Doh:
Um...Okay....But it's only the 3rd.:look:

I predict you will buy something.:angeldevil:
If I do, it will only be oils that are staples and fragrant oils to burn in my diffuser in my salon. So still nothing for me personally. I saw a couple oils on FNWL that I need for my salon.

I need to custom make some body butters/lotions for a couple clients that love what I've been using to massage on their skin.

I make them using base butters, lotions, body oils, scrubs, etc., and customize the scents for my clients
I bought nothing and don't plan to this month. I'm good for a while but I will continue to update here.

Dang it.... I couldn’t resist after my Deva Cut. I will try the No Poo w/ my Belle Bar Rhassoul Clay, One Condition after my cowash, and the Gel maybe when I decide to do a wash n go in the spring. Since using CurlyProverbz method, my EcoStyler argan Gel is way too heavy on my soaking wet hair. Now I’m done. :cantlook:

•No Poo
•One Condition
• Gel
Dang it.... I couldn’t resist after my Deva Cut. I will try the No Poo w/ my Belle Bar Rhassoul Clay, One Condition after my cowash, and the Gel maybe when I decide to do a wash n go in the spring. Since using CurlyProverbz method, my EcoStyler argan Gel is way too heavy on my soaking wet hair. Now I’m done. :cantlook:

•No Poo
•One Condition
• Gel
:giggle: You caved, I see :lol:
Kindred Butters
-Peppermint Mocha Joe DC
-Pumpkin Cream DC
-Peppermint Mocha Joe moisturizer
-Shea Butter with emu and castor oil
-Kindred Serum

Bee Mine
-Beautiful DC (only one and I kinda hope I don’t like it cuz it’s too daggone expensive for 3 uses per jar)
-Sulfur Serum
-Hair and Scalp Moisturizer
-Botanical Shampoo

Praying for a Silk Dreams re-release

-2x Ancient Egyptian Hair Mask
-1x Ancient Egyptian Ends Serum
-1x Ancient Egyptian Hair Oil

These items are 50% off today only at the link above through The View. Please note they aldo have the poo and condish for 50% off.

@gorgeoushair I think you should pick up a couple of the masks to try out.

-2x 30 Shower Caps packs with purple/turquoise/green caps.

*Yes, I know, regarding the Korean BBS. However, I can't pay Courtney .49 per purple shower cap.
Kindred Butters
-Peppermint Mocha Joe DC
-Pumpkin Cream DC
-Peppermint Mocha Joe moisturizer
-Shea Butter with emu and castor oil
-Kindred Serum

Bee Mine
-Beautiful DC (only one and I kinda hope I don’t like it cuz it’s too daggone expensive for 3 uses per jar)
-Sulfur Serum
-Hair and Scalp Moisturizer
-Botanical Shampoo

Praying for a Silk Dreams re-release

Yes it is expensive! That's why I only bought the sample sizes(discontinued) during a good sale. Lol. I really wanted to catch this sale but she didn't have the 16 oz DC on the site which is the better deal nor did she respond to my email or ig post.

-2x Ancient Egyptian Hair Mask
-1x Ancient Egyptian Ends Serum
-1x Ancient Egyptian Hair Oil

These items are 50% off today only at the link above through The View. Please note they aldo have the poo and condish for 50% off.

@gorgeoushair I think you should pick up a couple of the masks to try out.

-2x 30 Shower Caps packs with purple/turquoise/green caps.

*Yes, I know, regarding the Korean BBS. However, I can't pay Courtney .49 per purple shower cap.

Done! Thanks for thinking of me!
Yes it is expensive! That's why I only bought the sample sizes(discontinued) during a good sale. Lol. I really wanted to catch this sale but she didn't have the 16 oz DC on the site which is the better deal nor did she respond to my email or ig post.

I make a point usually to never order 8oz conditioners because it’s not enough. I almost bought two but I figured I should save some coins for Supergirl. But I really wanted to try it out.

I messaged her about the oil free serum but I haven’t received a response either. I intended to base my product purchase on if she had that item, because then I could proceed with scheduling my sew in. But no response, so I’ll wait. I don’t mind paying full price if it does what it says without the oiliness.
A new hardtop dryer because my old one finally died. I truly rocked it until the wheels fell off...or at least til the motor stopped running!
This is an upgrade for me. A rolling hair dryer that claims to be whisper's not but it's 100% quieter than the last one! This is the modern elements 1875W Ionic roll about dryer. I got it at Sally's so I have 2 months to try it out...if it acts up I'm taking it back and getting a $30 Conair model.
I also bought a bottle of some deep moisture condish and a small jar of Eco Green to hold me over till they start stocking the shelves with the new Eco Gold.
2x Target beauty box (ordered tuesday night received today)
Luna herbals (etsy) Sunflower and henna growth oil
Cantu Apple cider vinegar rinse
Mane choice Egyptian hair oil and serum
Afroveda (from Hattache) Egyptian rose african black soap shampoo