Mango butter substitute found!


New Member
Hi, everyone! I know you don't know me (I'll do a proper intro someday, I promise), but... well....

While I was visiting my parents out of town, I found a store that sold mango butter. Since so many ladies here and elsewhere have raved about it, I just had to give it a try, and I LOVED the way it defined my curls: nice, soft little ringlets everywhere. But I don't feel like driving fifty miles every time I run out or paying the outrageous shipping costs that often go with buying online, so I went on a quest for a substitute.

Gel works okay, but I hate the way it makes my hair feel.

Some curling mousse I used worked well as long as I didn't use too much or too little... but the smell was AWFUL.

Plain old coconut oil applied after shampooing works, too, but it's not as good as the mango butter. Doesn't give me those soft, fuzzy little delicate curls; instead, they tend to clump together more.

Then, finally, I found it. I realized that the secret to why mango butter works so well probably isn't the mango part: it's the silicone. So, I stopped by a local beauty supply shop (It isn't part of a big chain) and stumbled across a product called African Essence Crystal Drops. The main ingredients are dimethicone and vitamin E. I put a nickel-sized amount of it in my hair after shampooing and... WOW!! I got those exact same little curls I loved so much, and my hair felt really soft.

If you'd like to see the results, they're in my May, 2004 hair album. The link is in my sig, along with the password. (The picture quality isn't great, but I hope the general idea still comes across.) Just thought I'd put that out there for anyone who's having trouble tracking down mango butter.

Ok...I am so tired of yall coming up with great things to put in your hair!

Now how am I going to look with coconut oil, shea butter, maple wood ashes, okra, castor oil, and henna in my hair?


DANG! Now I have to go BACK to the beauty supply store and find THIS STUFF.

Your hair looks the way.
I can't really see too much but I see a lot of definition in the front, well defined baby curls. Glad u found something that works for you.
pookeylou said:
Now how am I going to look with coconut oil, shea butter, maple wood ashes, okra, castor oil, and henna in my hair?

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*g* You're so funny. I guess it's all part of the price to be paid on the quest for the Holy Grail.

Your hair looks the way.

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Aww, thanks.
And your hair always looks so nice.... I hope I can be as good an example as you are someday.
