Mane-N-Tail and MTG


New Member
I have been checking out the ingredients in mane-n-tail condish and was wondering if anyone used the origianl version and if u liked it. I also see that it has hydrolyzed protein and wanted to know if I could use this as my regular condish.

I am currently in braids and I am using the MTG daily. I had stopped 4 awhile bx I though it was causing some neck poblems but I found out that when I stay up and watch tv I prop my head in my hand and that was giving me muscle spasms in my neck not the mtg(:grin:)

I don't have the problem with the rash bx I pour the mtg on my counter (take off all jewlery and dip my finger and put it in between my braids, and also if u get the rash coco butter is really good for clearing it up. I need 6 inches 4 bsl. I have had som many set backs this year from jumping on so many band wagons that I had to have my hair cut in july from sl to middle of neck, but I know it will grow back. I have been using mtg and I get about 1inch per month I am hoping that since I am in braids it will help out some.:lachen:

Grow baby grow:roadrunner:
I use Mane and Tail not on a regular basis but I always ALWAYS go back to it. When I first transistioned its the only thing that gave my hair enough slip to comb through and I love that its both rinse out and leave in. It keeps my hair soft and curls defined I'm not sure if its done anything for the growth rate but I still love it