managing TOUGH new growth


Active Member
My hair is really coarse and by week 4 i dont even bother to comb through it! My hair must be on the LAST spectrum of Andre's scale /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Any tips for keeping my new growth REALLY soft so I can easily make it past the 12 week mark for a touch up? I just wanna be able to comb through the new growth so that the strands are not tangled up when touch-up comes (this is what happened the other time and my relaxer did not take as a result!)

ladies, anything that can help: shampoos, conditioners, oils, etc etc, even vitamin supplements, handling and appliances.... I know you will come thru with ideas. Thanks!
1 tip I can definitley recommend that works for is is doing a really long moisturising deep conditioning. This softens it up real well for me. Whichever conditioner you use that gives you great results do a moisturising deep conditioner and try to use only moisturising shampoos also. Detangle your hair in the shower and handle it ever so gently. That's a good start I'd say. It works for me. Hope fully it should work for you too.
As you follow the tips that are to come, be very mindful of your hair's ability or disability to stay strong this long without a relaxer. Everyone isn't fortunate enough to space their relaxers out so far. I even adopted some of the methods on the board but to no avail. My hair is VERY porous and prone to constant dryness. It tangles easily especially when in tight curls, hence no more of my favorite flexi rod styles for a while except for maybe special occassions

I tried spacing out my relaxers at least to 9 weeks and sometimes tried more and because of that and other constant changes, products and techniques that I ventured out to copy from others, I had to cut about 3 inches of my hair off. The techniques worked for a while, but my hair type couldn't handle it. When I say hair type, I don't mean just 4a and so on, I mean condition, pattern, etc.

I love the new cut because my hair looks healthy now and I'm looking forward to healthy growth. I am convinced that I need to go back to simplifying my routine, relax every 6-7 weeks and just leave my hair alone and let it do it's thing.
Pandora, after the 6 week mark, I only comb my hair and new growth during my conditioner washes under running shower water. I style as soon as I get out of the shower. I DO NOT comb, or manipulate hair when it is dry. This is the only thing that keeps me from ripping my strands out. It is also important to use a good moisturizing conditioner while doing this. When I first started doing CO washes, I used the "free" copa conditioner that came in the mail after I sent their unused relaxer kit back. After I used it all up, I then switched to Suave Coconut cond. But it doesn't give much slip like the copa stuff did. I know it had avocado oil in it....great stuff. Anyway, try and see if that helps in dealing with your new growth. /images/graemlins/drunk.gif
Pandora, what the ladies mentioned above is true. It is not for everyone. But, I extend my touch ups with the help of moisturizing sprays used daily on my outgrowth. I spray the new growth and massage in. I try to keep my hair moist. Conditioner washes and/or deep conditioning like LondonDiva mentioned works very well too. Think moisture and very little manipulation. I don't get breakage - unless I've pulled it out and very little shedding.

Something else I am doing is experimenting with how much outgrowth I get, how well I can manage my hair, and how long I can go. I'm doing 13 now, but thinking of increasing to 16. I think once you learn how to manage, style, and keep the hair moist the longer you will be able to go between touch ups.

Whatever you decide...good luck to you. /images/graemlins/rofl.gif

I'm going through a regrowth phase right now where I'm waiting for a touch up and this is what's helping me keep breakage to a minimum:

1. COwashes, especially using detangling/moisturizing conditioners. I like Elucence. I also plan on trying Aubrey Organics Island Creme Spice today which I heard is very detangling too. Sometimes I add a touch of olive oil too to the conditioner to boost the moisture content.

2. Combing the hair using a wide toothed comb while the conditioner is in the hair. Then, rinse out the conditioner and towel dry. I only comb my hair at this point in the shower when the conditioner is in the hair, just before rinsing it out. You feel the difference.

3. Get Thee S-Curl Activator! I wasn't convinced at first, thinking of 'Let Your Soul Glooooooo' and wet sofa-backs /images/graemlins/wasntme.gif but this stuff ROCKS for regrowth (thanks Adrienne). It makes is sooo soft. I actually used some on my hair dry last night and braided into 2 pigtails and I've woken this morning with soft moisturized hair still! Gives nice waves too to the regrowth /images/graemlins/grin.gif

4. Minimal hair manipulation. I just pin up the hair and go. The only time I break out the comb is during the next wash.

5. I recc'd L'anza's Straight Line shampoo and conditioner a while back for regrowth days. Its designed to elongate curls and it works. I'm planning to use some today. Probably the shampoo first followed by the Aubrey conditioner. ps. Recently I've only shampoo'd once a week.
Hi Pandora!

There are some pretty good suggestions here. I extended mine to 12 weeks and what I did was make a mixture of Elucence, water and Aphogee EFA oil and sprayed that on my new growth. I also did protein treatment with Aphogee Treatment for Damaaged Hair (I was experimenting but wouldn't recc. it for everybody) followed up with a deep conditioning treatment with heat with what else...Elucence. What happened was I got no shedding or breakage from that treatment. I was thinking maybe it strengthened the demarcation line between the new growth and the relaxed portion. My next experiment will be to add to my mixture some 'cones' to see if adds any addition slip up there.

Good luck!
Hi Pandora,

Usually by week 6, it's hard to comb my hair, (as it is now). /images/graemlins/hammer.gif You can try the curl activator. That will help a bit; also try more deep conditioning with moisturizing conditioners, but if your new growth is as course as mine is, (particularly in the middle of my head), you may not be able to wait very long before you start to see breakage.
I think that the more course your hair is, the more difficult it will be to extend your touch-ups, and the more likely you are to experience breakage. I'm of the opinion that when you have very course hair, the two textures are too different and should be relaxed more often. /images/graemlins/brainy.gif

I'm at week 7 now, and next week will be week 8. I usually cannot go beyond that, or I experience a lot of breakage. Hope that helps. /images/graemlins/wave.gif
this may be a dumb question but when you go to get a touchup do you still have the activator in your hair and does this affect the relaxing process in anyway? i'm wondering because i know that people base their scalps to protect it but would the activator do anything to the hair when you apply the relaxer? God bless you all.
I wait at least 3 months between relaxers. I am now on week 13 and now I really don't experience much breakage and very little shedding. Like the ladies have mentioned Moisture is key and a great detangler (Aussie Slip).
I wash my hair 2x a week with a moisturizing shampoo (Creme of Nature or BreakThru) and a GREAT detangler and moisturizer is cholesterol with heat in the hair for about 30 minutes. I also use a liquid leave in and moisturizer every day on all of my hair. I currently use the KemiOyl Shea butter, Kemi Oyl Moisturizing spray, KemiOyl ProGro and S curl activator. I make sure I saturate my new growth and it really helps. Or else I have breakage. Also washing more frequently (even 3 times per week) helps the hair too! I say try it the first time my hair was awful. After that it all fell into place! Good Luck!
One of the things that I found that was very good on new growth was Dark & Lovely Cirtus Hydrating Spray Sheen. It is for braids. Last year my daughter's hair was in braids and I sprayed her hair every night and when I took those braids out, there was no breakage or shedding. When I combed her hair (after taking out the braids) I had no tangles at all. So when I planned on going 12 weeks without a touch-up, I used this on my new growth during weeks 8 through 12 and I got the same results. This stuff made my new growth hair very manageable and soft.

I washed my hair 2x a week and ALWAYS DEEP CONDITION. That is definitely the key to going that length of time without a touch-up. And of course, S-Curl Activator. Just be very gentle when coming your new growth and use the widest tooth comb you can find.

I am going to try to go to 16 weeks next time.
One more thing, I think your natural texture plays a role in how long you can wait. I think it would be easier for say a 2c to go 4 months without out a touch up than a 3c and it would be easier for a 3c that a 4b.
Hi Azul11 </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
this may be a dumb question but when you go to get a touchup do you still have the activator in your hair and does this affect the relaxing process in anyway? i'm wondering because i know that people base their scalps to protect it but would the activator do anything to the hair when you apply the relaxer? God bless you all.

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That's a reasonable question. To tell you the truth, it hasn't effected my relaxers at all. My touch-ups always come out well. /images/graemlins/wave.gif
When using the gel s-curl activator, does this leave the hair oily after it dries? I'm removing braids soon(this weekend) and this topic is right on the spot /images/graemlins/smile.gifThanks ladies /images/graemlins/rofl.gif

Relaxed 4a hair(thin)
Current Length: Different 3-7inches w/ the front and sides being the shortest
Goal: Even Healthy Shoulder Length Hair
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
brownrelaxedhair said:

5. I recc'd L'anza's Straight Line shampoo and conditioner a while back for regrowth days. Its designed to elongate curls and it works. I'm planning to use some today. Probably the shampoo first followed by the Aubrey conditioner. ps. Recently I've only shampoo'd once a week.

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Now is the perfect time for you to try L'Oreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment. *cough cough nudge nudge* /images/graemlins/poke.gif I tried the L'Anza Straight Line shampoo and conditioner a while ago on your rec. I didn't really have a lot of new growth at the time I used it, so I can't really say how well it worked for me. However, I can say that the L'Oreal Unfrizz shampoo and conditioner are both a lot more moisturizing than the L'Anza Straight Line shampoo and conditioner. Let me know how it works for you if you decide to try it.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
pandora said:
My hair is really coarse and by week 4 i dont even bother to comb through it! My hair must be on the LAST spectrum of Andre's scale /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Any tips for keeping my new growth REALLY soft so I can easily make it past the 12 week mark for a touch up? I just wanna be able to comb through the new growth so that the strands are not tangled up when touch-up comes (this is what happened the other time and my relaxer did not take as a result!)

ladies, anything that can help: shampoos, conditioners, oils, etc etc, even vitamin supplements, handling and appliances.... I know you will come thru with ideas. Thanks!

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Another rave for the S-Curl. It helps a lot! When my hair gets to the difficult stage, I reach for my Rusk Calm 60-second Conditioner. It really softens new growth, and it does it fast. Recently I've been using L'Oreal Unfrizz Smoothing Treatment, which does a very good job at softening and smoothing out new growth.
thanks to all who made suggestions!! love this board!

actually this new growth coming thru fast seems quite soft, might be the EPO 1000g daily taking effect OR my roots just pretending to behave itself /images/graemlins/grin.gif...

thanks again! /images/graemlins/cool.gif

I actually did my last wash today before my touch up which is tomorrow so I can't use the Unfrizz Treatment now until I go back to rollarsetting.

I'll DEFINITELY let you know what I think of it, esp, if you find it more smoothing than the Straight Line by L'anza. Can't WAIT now to try this!!!

I'll use it for my next wash later this week.
I have 4b hair and the moisture generated by the S Curl products always cause my scalp and hair to itch uncontrollably. I just use a wide tooth comb and avoid the roots when it is time for a re-touch.
I agree with poster #2 or #3. I have what you call true "Negro" hair. I purposely extended a relaxer to 6 weeks and my hair broke off, shedded and looked horrible. I simply cannot go past 5 weeks and that's my reality. Of course, people will urge you to go as long as possible but, if as long as possible is 4 or 5 weeks, then you need to stick with it. Remember, 1-3 hair types have automatic moisture and can withstand more trauma. As a coarse hair person, our hair is harder but more fragile. Once my hair approaches relaxer time, it is very difficult to comb without a wide tooth comb. My hair thrives when I take care of it and I don't view taking care of it letting it go 12 weeks just for the sake of saying "I went 12 weeks without a relaxer". My co-worker goes 12 weeks but after her wash and sets, her hair looks like a perm has been put in her hair. After my wash and sets, you can tell it needs to be retouched. My hair grows quickly. Maintaining the length is the challenge because of the texture.
I'm currently trying the transitioning thang-it's been 18 weeks since my last relaxer. In addition to deep conditoning with my Motions protein silk conditioner, before air drying and later blow drying on warmI spray a leave in on my roots and rest of hair, and then before flat iron my roots with oil sheen. It helps straighen better and keeps my new growth moisturized.
I think MSM has softened my new growth somewhat. I also take Evening Primrose, which is also supposed to soften the new growth. I'm going on week 12, and lately, I've been having an easier time combing my new growth then usual. I have also been using less products, which has caused me to have less build up. I also do nightly rinses, but I only use conditioner maybe twice a week--the other nights, I just use plain water. I use CON once a week. I also like silicone products (serums). I've noticed that Fantasia frizz free serum helps me to untangle my hair, and believe me, for my hair to untangle easily is not normal.
What has helped me has been Proective Root Health just on my roots and/or ORS Carrot Oil just on my roots, I like the Proective because it is lighter and my hair absorbs it more where as with the ORS my hair seems to absorb the scent the most!
I also cannot go more than 6-8 weeks w/o a touch-up and I won't do it just to say that I did. I once went twelve weeks and my hair broke so bad that I HAD to get it cut! I also want to say that I am officially through with Andre's scale because I think it's a horrible indicator of hair type! My hair is in a S pattern, but is naturally dry and porous, I am nothing like a lot of 4a's, and I can only trust product recommendations from certain 4s like Pebbles who I know is my hair twin!
Ms Kenesha,
I also have used the Root Health and ORS Carrot Oil on my new growth previously, but prefer the Root Health. The carrot oil I have to mix w/olive oil to make it effective, but it still works at preventing the relaxed hair from snapping from the new growth for a while. I just received my coconut oil in the mail so I'm going to see how that works.

since i've been doing the summer challenge- i've been able to extend my relaxer touch-up to 8 weeks for the first time. i use to have a tough time with my new growth at 4 weeks. i have 4 a/b hair that is very fine and fragile. i will officially be at 8 weeks on the 15th of June. I'll be getting my touch-up then because I don't want to go any longer. however, i'm not experiancing any breakage or shedding. i've been doing co washes for about a month now. i do this at least 5x's per week. i try to sit under the dryer for 10 minutes with each conditioner watch too. my hair tends to dry out easily so i've never had a problem with over-conditioning. you may want to do more co washes and see if that helps.