Man with two thick French braids past his knees.


Well-Known Member
Hello All,
So, I was in the store last week and saw this man with hair past his knees. I was trying not to look, because he was with his woman, but I could not help it. I was sooooooo envious of his hair. It was long and thick. I was thinking to myself, he doesn't need all of that hair. He could cut some and give it to me so that I can make me a cute ponytail afro puff :yep:. I wish I had me a camera phone but I do not so that I could have taken a picture. Have you all notied that men's hair seems to grow much faster,healthier and longer than women?

Have a nice day,
Dark and Lovely, you are funny. As much as I did not want to hate, I did a tad bit. But you should have seen it, it was amazing.
Yeah, That's cause they don't do all the junk we do to our hair.

A pic would have been nice though.
you know missdeevee, I am thinking about not combing my hair for a week or so to see how it grows. Lately I have been wearing my hair covered up in a womens stlye durag and a head wrap which consists of two yards of material. I wear my wig sometimes on the weekend. I think I am going to try it to see how it goes. I often see men with reall long hair.
I know what you mean. I have friends with ankle length locs. I took a pic of one of them and it's in my fotki. Everytime he unwraps them from his crown and let them hang, I almost drool...literally!
I can't lie, I probably would have tried to get the number before I even knew what was happening.

I'm a sucker for long hair on a good looking man. :)
Hello All,
So, I was in the store last week and saw this man with hair past his knees. I was trying not to look, because he was with his woman, but I could not help it. I was sooooooo envious of his hair. It was long and thick. I was thinking to myself, he doesn't need all of that hair. He could cut some and give it to me so that I can make me a cute ponytail afro puff :yep:. I wish I had me a camera phone but I do not so that I could have taken a picture. Have you all notied that men's hair seems to grow much faster,healthier and longer than women?

Have a nice day,

:lachen:I know what you mean! Just a couple of days ago I saw this guy (a brotha, if you must know :grin:) who had two long, thick braids that stopped at around BSL (I don't know the male equivalent to BSL :look:) All the while I was thinking "What's he going to do with all that hair?" Just makes me more motivated to keep up with the likes of them.
I'm with the poster who said that they would just braid it up. Slightly off topic: If I ever get to waistlength my hair will mainly be in a bun or some type of updo. I can't imagine dealing with it on a daily basis at that length.
Now watch. Someone is going to want to get synthetic testosterone and apply it to their scalp. :lachen:

:lol: Okay - NO ONE BETTER BUY THIS MESS! :nono:

Low manipulation for men is probably right.

Recently I had a male patient with really long hair, and he said he does nothing but wash and condition.

On the other hand, my female patients who actively grow hair for locks of love say they use prenatal vitamins with regular washing and conditioning to speed growth.