male balding/ to deal with it


Well-Known Member
Hey yal,

I'm trying to get some tips on male balding/thinning for a male friend of mine. I'm not sure whether or not it is genetic, but I'm thinking it may have something to do with the products he is using.

Does anybody have any tips that can help stimulate hair growth for men? I appreciate any and all info. you guys can give because it's my assignment to put together a regime for him.

All of the products that I've suggested I use and works for me. I've also recommended it to others and they have had great results. I hope that it works for him as well.:grin:

He can try the nioxin recharging complex (vitamins), the shampoo, conditioner and follicle booster. :yep:This product should be used on a consistent basis-at least for 3 months to began seeing results. Go to to formulate a regimen for his hair type.

Another excellent product is BT!:) Go to for more info & to order. Also, type BT in the search engine on this site to view all the threads pertaining to it.

The key is consistency + patience. HHG!
I forgot to mention that he should eat healthy and drink plenty of H2O. Biotin is also good for hair growth and can be taken along with the nioxin recharging complex vitamins.:yep: He can start with a small dosage of biotin and increase it over time.