Making Sure your Hairdresser Understands You (excerpt)


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Making Sure your Hairdresser Understands You
[/font] If you ask people what they expect when they visit their hairdresser, they all say "one that listens to them and understands their needs". If you ask hairdressers what they think went wrong when a client has complained about their hair service, they will undoubtedly say "they didn't understand what the client actually wanted".

Like with most professions, often the best hairdressers in the world are not the most creative, or the best trained, but are good listeners with great people skills. The other abilities are definitely just as important but it is the ability to understand and transform your requirements to your hair that really counts.

When it all comes down to it, you would find it hard to recognise these "special talents" in a hairdresser before trusting your hair to that person, and, as all of us are different, it is hard to recommend the hairdresser that would suit you as an individual. We can however help with a few ground rules:

Book, or drop in for a consultation prior to an appointment for something new or with someone new. These are normally free of charge and will give you some great ideas and a "feel" for the hairdresser too. For appointments and consultations try to avoid a salons busy times (Saturdays and late nights).

  • If that’s not possible, then make sure that you get a full consultation before your cut, ideally before you put on the generic gown. Make sure the stylist can see you for who you are and if you are in a work uniform then let them know what you normally wear.
  • Take along some pictures of looks that you would like to discuss. You can check out our "finding the cut to suit you" section and take some of the pictures with you to see what the hairdresser thinks. Don't be embarrassed to take along pictures of famous people as everything helps and hairdressers really appreciate this as it gives them a starting point to say, for example, "yes, we can try this but your own hair is more wavy so will look more like this". If you can't find pictures of what you want, take what you don't want! We know this sounds strange but in the hands of an expert it will become obvious to them what you want.
  • "Show not tell" what you want, if you want your hair no shorter than a certain point on your neck, point to it. Length is always open to misinterpretation and most of us have suffered from the "I just want a trim" syndrome and walked away disappointed or angry.
  • Do not attempt to use hairdresser speak! We have all heard of "layers", "thinning" and maybe even "graduation" but do you really know what these terms actually mean? Even amongst the hairdressing community these terms are often misused. If you use a term and it is understood in a different way by the hairdresser you will get their version not yours and probably not the look that you want!
  • Don't let the hairdresser use terms that are not 100% clear to you as to what they mean. A "yummy chocolate brown" sounds great, but exactly how dark will it be and will you feel happy with it? Ask to see an example if you are not convinced!
  • Try arriving early and checking out some of the looks that the stylists in the salon are creating. If you see one you like, get the hairdresser doing your hair to check it out so that they can see if it would work for you.
When talking to a hairdresser about a new cut for you, keep the following in mind:

  • Have you an area of your hair that annoys you? This is usually the piece that you fiddle with or touch most of the time. Point this out and see if something can be done to help prevent the problem by cutting it a certain way.
  • What are your habits with your hair? For example, do you tuck it behind your ears? If the suggested style is not a shape that can be "tucked" then you might find it is not for you.
  • How long do you like to spend doing your own hair? This is very relevant, as you would not get what you wanted if you had only 5min to dry it each day and your new style needed 30 minutes.
  • Do you have to wear it a certain way for work or sport? If your hair needs to be long enough to go into a ponytail it may limit the number of styles you can have.
  • If you are after a complete change and you then limit the hairdresser to keeping all of your length, then the change may not be as different as you would of liked. So be realistic and ask yourself what's more important: length or change?
Anthony Whitaker, 3 time winner of Australian Hairdresser of the Year has compiled a bunch of useful tips on the dos and don'ts of getting your hair done.

"The best hairdresser in town is not necessarily the best for you. The best for you is someone who listens and asks about what you like and dislike about your hair and your appearance".

"Don't expect too much. A good hairdresser will be realistic about what you can achieve with colour and styling".

"Listen to your hairdresser. If they're not certain you'd look great with the latest style, they probably have good reason".

"Be wary of hairdressers who profess to 'have a vision' of how you should look. You are usually the best judge of that at the end of the day it's not on for the hairdresser to give clients their 'signature cut' and for the person to race home and fix it. When a hairdresser cuts a client's hair, he or she must understand the important thing is the client's individuality, their tastes, lifestyle and needs, not the latest cut".
How to Get a Great Hair Cut
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]According to Oscar Cullinan, of Oscar Oscar Salons the secret to a great haircut is a great relationship with your hairdresser that's based on great communication. [/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Cutting hair is easy. Making sure we understand what our clients want and assessing if that is really the best hairstyle for their face shape and lifestyle is often harder."[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] How does Oscar ensure every client leaves the salon with the right cut and colour? By using photo language. [/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Oscar explains, "The old adage 'a picture speaks a thousand words' is so true in hairdressing. We encourage clients to bring pictures of the kinds of hairstyle and colour they want." You often get a client who says "I want to look like Cameron Diaz" but is that Cameron as a long haired blonde or layered brunette? It's much easier if a client brings half a dozen pictures of the cut or colour, so the stylist knows exactly what is required." [/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To ensure you get the best from your hair stylist, Oscar suggests:[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Prior to your salon visit: [/font]

  • [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Use images to help explain what you want. Bring as many pictures or photos as you require, to demonstrate the cut, colour, texture or overall look you are trying to achieve. [/font]
  • [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Find a hairdresser who takes the time to understand what you want. [/font]
  • [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Spending money on a quality cut from a reputable salon that values education and training will save you money in the long run. [/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]At the salon:[/font]

  • [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Communicate. Be specific. Explain your fashion tastes and the amount of time you spend on your hair each day.[/font]
  • [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Don't be afraid to ask questions.[/font]
  • [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Listen to your hairdresser's feedback about the type of style you have selected. A skilled hairdresser knows what styles will make you look beautiful and what you should avoid. Be prepared for alternatives, perhaps another style suits your face shape or lifestyle better. [/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] OSCAR CULLINAN is the managing director of five Oscar Oscar Salons in Queensland. He also owns Azabu, Luxury Accommodation and Day Spa Resort in Byron Bay. Oscar has been awarded Australian Hairdresser of the Year and was recently voted World Master of the Arts at the Aveda Congress in USA. [/font]
cool! very informative....caress, who is your stylist??? i was wondering, since we live in the same area, if you had one??
:lol: My mom and I are my stylists. I'm about to start looking again though. I have a couple of places in mind but I'm unsure. I used to go to Eunique Experience in North Philly though. My hairdresser left and I never found out where she went to. There was another good hairstylist there but I stopped going all together.