Making Sure Things Move At A Steady Pace


New Member
Hey ladies,

For some reason, I tend to move really fast in relationships. Not like me tricking off or anything like that..but I seem to have an affect on people. I make people feel like they have known me for years and just get comfortable with me very easily. I have standards but at the same time I'm so easy to please that people become somewhat laid back...chivalry is definately not dead, but I just want some advice from people who managed to pace themselves in relationships and establish the bestfriendship (if that's even a word lol) before they got anyhwere else..

More outdoor events... getting to know each other slowly and avoiding intimacy.

Less "hanging out and seeing where the night takes us:lol:" and more planned dates.

I am the opposite of what you described. I take things VERRYY slowly... probably because I overanalyze too many actions :look: but sometimes I'm thinking to myself: lawd! is that how other people act? we just met and you're trying to be all affectionate! u'd think we're together already... slow your roll, brotha :look:
Make sure you maintain your own life, and have your own thing going. I find that I tend to move fast when I get too emotionally invested in a guy too soon.