Making Suggestions to your Stylist


Well-Known Member
How do you make suggestions to your stylist without coming off like a know it all or making her feel like you think she is inept. I want to make some of the suggestions from sistaslick's articles to my stylist. I don't want to make her feel funny. I love my stylist and I think she is great. In fact I think a lot of my hair health can be attributed to her.
Just ask can you make a suggestion. She'll probably say yes. Or say," I was reading and I was thinking/ wondering..."
I guess I'm just different...because I'll say something along the lines of... will u not wash my hair so roughly or rub the towel on my hair (to remove excess water). Umm please don't use that little comb on my hair.

Its my hair and I'm paying her for a service, I'd like it to be done according to my preferences.
Think about how you would like someone to suggest something to you and try to use the same tacked as you would like to receive. I am pretty sure your stylist wouldn't mind hearing your suggestions, but just pose them to her respectfully, just like you would want someone to do for you. Remember the golden rule, " Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!":drunk:
I would be cordial, but also straight to the point. I wouldn't want to risk losing progress just to appease her. Ideally, you and your stylist are on the same page as far as the health of your hair and hair growth so she shouldn't be offended by the suggestions you make. I would say something along these lines, "I was doing some research and came across (*fill in the blank*). Have you heard of this? What do you think? I would like to try this on my next visit."
its not a matter of making her feel bad. You are after all paying for a service. I have learned to be straight and to the point and tell them what I want done to my hair. It is after all my hair. I will not be rude. But I will tell you this is what I do to mine and I would like to continue it this way. Bring your own products and make whatever suggestion you feel like. The best customer is a happy customer. A lot of stylists and clients have forgotten that.
Also when I went to my stylist I explained to her that I am trying to make my hair as healthy as possible. I explained my regi to her and my products and asked her what she thought what she recommended. We talked the whole time she did my hair and about 10minutes after. I also mentioned the site and she said whe was going to look at it. Also the lady that does my braids I gave her some information from C&C and also this site (she does not have a computer) and she has been recommending some of the info to her clients and giving them the sites address.

I feel that ur stylist should encourage and work with u on what ur goals r for your hair. I asked my stylist what shampoo and condish r u using. She tried to shape me up as she said I explained to her that no I did not want that and thanked her. She was very polite and did not get offended. :grin:
I may not be of much help, because I've been going to the hair salon all of my life . . . and I just let them do what they normally do. I was totally ignorant back then.

However, when I stumbled across my primary hair products and the brochure (13 years ago), I asked my stylist did he know of these products. He said: "No." When I came back for my next visit, I gave him a full copy of the brochure and explained to him if it would be okay for me to bring these products in, because I think they will help reduce the breakage (which he had been complaining about of and on for three years) of my ends. We saw results 7 months later. :woot: (I only go to the salon once every 2 weeks.)

Other than that, I never needed to mention anything else to him . . . because he handles my hair very carefully. We just needed to use moisture rich products, plus his customers have longer hair than all the other stylists' customers, so I knew I didn't have to "train" him about hair care techniques.
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I think mentioning to you stylist that you want to try some new techniques before hand is a good idea. This way you both are on the same page BEFORE you get there. Even though you pay your money for services rendered it is always a good idea to make requests in the manner you wish to receive them.
girl, im definately not the one to answer this one, cuz i have the same problem. esp. when it comes to the 'tact-fullness'. my DH is trying to get me better at that because i always come off mean.:ohwell:
just don't be a snob about it. but sometimes no matter what, a stylist will feel like you're overstepping your boundaries, because i'd say the majority of stylists regardless how much you're paying them don't expect someone to say anything if they're doing something they don't like. Like everyone i know who go gets a haircut hates it afterwards..but it's like , why didn't you tell the lady you thought she was cutting too short. Don't even ask and say 'can i make a suggestion' because that can come off kind of rude, just say 'could you not put the blow dryer on such a high heat', and say it in a kind of normal tone. don't raise your voice or anything because you could give off mixed signals especially if you and your hairstylists dont know each other well. But i say regardless especially with AA salons it's going to come off as probably rude if u tell them to not do a certain thing

I know people don't want to come off rude or mean..and others don't want to say anything and let them do whatever they want but it can be one of those situations: you're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't
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I think mentioning to you stylist that you want to try some new techniques before hand is a good idea. This way you both are on the same page BEFORE you get there. Even though you pay your money for services rendered it is always a good idea to make requests in the manner you wish to receive them.

yeah, i think when i call her for my relaxer appointment I'll make those suggestions to her. thank you.