Making Decisions


Well-Known Member
As many of us, I always have to make decisions that are going to be affecting me for the rest of my life. I used to ask people "what should I do?" And then they tell me to pray about it. So I pray....and pray. But I still don't know what I should do. I never get a feeling of guidance or something that says "Do this or that." Last summer I had to make a decision and I asked a friend "When you make decisions, and you ask God how do you know if its the right thing to do?" She was like "Girl, I hear God so loud, its an audible voice." And I'm like oh ok...and she's like I don't know what to tell you.:sad::blush:

I've never heard an audible voice, and if I do hear something, I think its something else, not God. Last summer I prayed about that decision and I saw what I thought was a clear sign in this Christian book I opened but I'm like this is such a coincidence, but I just went with that. I didn't know what else to do and I had to make the decision QUICK.

Does anyone else have this dilemma, or have found a way to deal with it?
Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm sleepy.
when i ask God i usually dont "hear" any answers. so i usually just do what i think is right and pray that im going down the correct path. this is going off the assumption that if im not he'd make the plans and decisions ive made fall thru and im left having to choose an option that i opted out of b4. (i hope im making sense)
Thats true. Right now I'm just praying that whatever I do it is in His will for my life. When I made my college decision a couple years ago I prayed but didn't even really try to hear whether my decision was right. I basically already knew what I was going to do before I prayed. I was so dead set on where I was going I wasn't listening to anybody I didn't care and I feel that it was a horrible decision. Even though all things work together for good to those that love Him and are called according to His purpose and everything worked out, in retrospect I feel horrible that I didn't even try to figure out what God was saying regarding my decision. So even though I'm not hearing anything I still want to pray and make a good decision this time.
you know I have the same problem sometimes.. but what i notice is usually god answers but i dont figure that out till later on.. its just the way he answer sometimes its not normal... like when i was in college i struggled so much... and it was so hard and i just wanted to understand the material with ease and just breeze through school like all the other smart kids.. i constantly ask god to help understand the material and not make it so hard for me but ... honestly... he didnt... but i did my best and i did graduate... i mean i guess you can say he answered me he helped me get through the hard times but he didnt take away the difficulty....
also I am still waiting on clarity on somethings i asked god but its like i just wait and do my best and do what i think and right and ask god if it isnt to show me... thats all i can do..i dont want to frustrate myself with things like this anymore.. it really took a toll on me before
Yeah I guess I'm just waiting for a clear answer or a sign to pop in my face, but I'm not going to get that.
As many of us, I always have to make decisions that are going to be affecting me for the rest of my life. I used to ask people "what should I do?" And then they tell me to pray about it. So I pray....and pray. But I still don't know what I should do. I never get a feeling of guidance or something that says "Do this or that." Last summer I had to make a decision and I asked a friend "When you make decisions, and you ask God how do you know if its the right thing to do?" She was like "Girl, I hear God so loud, its an audible voice." And I'm like oh ok...and she's like I don't know what to tell you.:sad::blush:

I've never heard an audible voice, and if I do hear something, I think its something else, not God. Last summer I prayed about that decision and I saw what I thought was a clear sign in this Christian book I opened but I'm like this is such a coincidence, but I just went with that. I didn't know what else to do and I had to make the decision QUICK.

Does anyone else have this dilemma, or have found a way to deal with it?
Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'm sleepy.


God speaks through His Word, that's the safest place. Our thoughts, although we don't want to doubt, can and will deceive us.

Let me ask you a question. When you pray, do you read the Bible as well or do you just pray...waiting on a voice to speak?

It's important to know this, because you need to understand some basic principles of prayer and how when used wisely, becomes a powerful and effective tool in your life as a believer.

Prayer and studying the scriptures go hand in hand. When you are having your own personal, private time with the Lord, you can hear from Him via His word. The more you are in His word, the more you begin to understand His voice. Remember: God is a Spirit, and those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth. We hear from God with our spirit and the Holy Spirit helps us to understand because He knows the will of the Father.

My suggestion is for you to pray and/or read the scriptures (whichever you want to do first) and then wait upon the Lord. Prayer also consists of waiting talking, just listening. Prayer can also consist of waiting while writing what the Lord is saying to you.

You will know His voice, because He only speaks His Will...His Word and His Will are lined up together.

Get into practice to hear the voice of the Lord. Wait upon the might not be easy to just sit and wait, but when you will hear His voice, and you will know what to do next.

Blessings to you, always.
Thanks Nice and Wavy, always right on time. I've never tried to listen to what God is saying and write it down. And yes, I often do just sit and wait for an answer, praying while not being in the Word. Thanks so much.