Makin' It Last All Night ?


New Member
:grin: The song was stuck in my head.

But seriously, I co-wash my hair at night, and by morning its mostly if not fully dry. But the scent fades. :perplexed

I love the way it smells when I use my VO5 conditioners.

Does the scent always fade? Or can others smell it, just not me?

I remember Traycee saying her brother said her hair smelled good ..

Does everyone else co-wash in the morning ?
I co wash whenever its convenient, so sometimes morning, sometimes night, and sometimes both if I'm bored. I think I get used to the scent after a while because people at work will ask what smells sweet and then it'll dawn on me.
I co wash at night with HE Long Term Relationship and VS So Sexy. The smell never lingers until the morning.... I don't like to leave for work with wet hair so for me, co washing in the morning is a no no :nono:. I just use a good smelling leave in every morning to make up for it...:yep:
Only in the summer, to get the smell back, just apply a little of the conditioner to your dry hair. Its perfectly safe and you'll have your lovely smelling hair back:grin: