make your own ponytail?


New Member
i'm rather inexperienced in the world of weave... i can do box braid extensions/twists and that's about it. :look:

i just got back from the BSS right... i was looking for a ponytail with tight coils close to my texture (i guess more of a coily puff than a ponytail, but YKWIM). they didn't have any with small coils like mine. :perplexed but they had some coily hair on a track and the girl even discounted it for me cuz they didn't have exactly what i wanted... i figured that would be okay since it was cheap i could just make my own.

except i don't really know how :look: :lol: somebody help me please!

*ETA: i should clarify, my hair will be in a bun underneath the ponytail.
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you could always just put your hair in a ponytail, wrap the weave around with bobby pins around your hair to make a pony tail
i'm rather inexperienced in the world of weave... i can do box braid extensions/twists and that's about it. :look:

i just got back from the BSS right... i was looking for a ponytail with tight coils close to my texture (i guess more of a coily puff than a ponytail, but YKWIM). they didn't have any with small coils like mine. :perplexed but they had some coily hair on a track and the girl even discounted it for me cuz they didn't have exactly what i wanted... i figured that would be okay since it was cheap i could just make my own.

except i don't really know how :look: :lol: somebody help me please!

When I first started wearing weave regularly (like 6 weeks ago), I used to take tracks and make a ponytail, although I don't think my method is the most efficient one, it might get you started.

I took the track, placed about 6-7 bobby pins on the track, put my real hair in a little ball, and wrapped my hair around and around until finished (sticking the bobby pin in my real hair whenever it reached my head). If you do it right and tight enough it shouldn't really show, then you can put scrunchie or whatever on if you like.

It's not as time consuming as it sounds.

Hopefully someone will have a better way but that is one option.
if i can give my :twocents: i don't use bobby pins when i put my ponies on...all i do is wrap the very end of the weft(.5'') onto my own pony one way all the way and then wrap the remainig weft the oppesite...i can't spell...way twice, then i grab about another .5" of weft hair an wrap in the same direction about once or twice around, then grab that longgggg weft again and wrap same direction about three times this time, and continue on rotating .5" wrap and the long weft wrap until the pony is complete. it will stay put. just don't wrap to tightly. I hate using bobby pins b/c they're so irritating and they can create hair loss....i've seen girls w/ hair loss from pins so ever since highschool, i started wraping my ponies on w/o pins.
What if your hair is too thick to be easily hidden by the pony?

Should you pull the extension hair through the middle of the pony with your (shorter) hair on the outside then? Mentally picturing it, I think that would look more realistic?

I dunno. :ohwell:

What a gorgeous look on you- and very CREATIVE! So basically you just wrapped and wrapped the weft around?
What a gorgeous look on you- and very CREATIVE! So basically you just wrapped and wrapped the weft around?

Thank you girl, yeah thats exactly what I did, did this years ago and my hair could barely fit in a pony tail it was like *finga snap* this long! and I still wanted to go out and look cute during my transition, so yeah this is perfect! and even though my hair is as long as the pony tail now, its still so much easier than pressing and looks much better than me trying to weary my hair in a loose pony tail with shrinkage and what not. And its so worry free if you wanna go out and not be worrying about your hair and what its doing! This is how my hair is underneath -minus the scrunchie-so there isnt any 'bulk' at the top of the pony tail.

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Three braids so its loose feeling under the pony! even my three braid style would shrink up eventually so this pony is a way to keep the same look the whole night LOL

I use straight hair and wet/condition it and rinse and braid it while wet, put curlers on all the ends of the braids/braided up weft, let it dry, take it loose and walla, waves! that match my hair. I use mango butter to lay my hair down really good for the pony, then after my pony is ready , wrap and wrap the phony pohny weft around and around and around again and again. I do make sure its tight as I'm going, and it lasts all night! Its very secure! Its a pain in the ass though to go through it all, but still not as much of a pain as pressing and what not!
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use the mane clip or upa clip...

I sewed my own... it's in my fotki...

there was a pattern for how someone else

did it... google phony pony pattern or some shhh...

i'm sure it will come up
It looks really really real! beautiful! your edges are similar to mine, 'fine textured with product!

I think it looks great! u got you a new style to rock! :yep:
ah thank you, i knew i'd seen this post before! i will go buy another cheap pony tomorrow after work :yep:

well as promised, i have pics of my pony puff... i just put a few bobby pins in strategic places. i think it will be fine for tomorrow until i can get this hair sewn onto a weft:

ah thank you, i knew i'd seen this post before! i will go buy another cheap pony tomorrow after work :yep:

well as promised, i have pics of my pony puff... i just put a few bobby pins in strategic places. i think it will be fine for tomorrow until i can get this hair sewn onto a weft:


Your hair is absolutely gorgeous! Its pictures like these that made me wish I had natural curly hair. Keep it banging girl!
I have a thread on this from a loooong time a year...I did this...theres a pic in my transitioning album in my fotki...let me know if you can't find it...basically I cut fake hair off of a drawstring ponytail, bought the hair I wanted, sewed it around the perimeter first, then filled it in with tracks going across. It looked a lot more natural. HTH
It looks really really good.

ah thank you, i knew i'd seen this post before! i will go buy another cheap pony tomorrow after work :yep:

well as promised, i have pics of my pony puff... i just put a few bobby pins in strategic places. i think it will be fine for tomorrow until i can get this hair sewn onto a weft:

Ohhh oops someone posted my thread...good luck :)

um.... i just finished it this morning. i think i added too much hair though, now it looks twice the size of my normal puff. :look: so i am gonna put it on my head and then snip it down to size.

nothing like a custom-made puff, LOL! :lachen: thanks again for the great idea Brockstar. :yep:
It looks really good LadyLirbra! I honestly would have thought it was all yours. I'm thinking of making one myself.