:::Major VENT:::Re: Tracy is a GENUIS:::


Well-Known Member
About that thread. I am chatting online with a fellow friend, and she is a 4a/b. I show her one of the pic's with the dream curl style. She likes it so I begin to tell her about the prodcut and how you can get the stlye.
I guess she was looking over the site, then she writes, it seems as if this girl is obssesed with hair. I tell her I have a site too. I am apart of a hair messageboard, WHY O WHY did she say, come on ang a hair messageboard!

I dont know if I am making a big deal otu of nothing, but this isnt the first time I got this response. I showed another girldfriend my hair site, and she too got all like "why are you doing this"

Like I am not normal!

CALM ME DOWN LADIES, because I am bout to write, well now u know why my hair has grown past yours, faster, ha ha, after you seen what I cut my hair into, LOL

ok I am coming down, whoa
People think I'm a hair freak and even more they joke about the forum. I don't pay any mind to them but some people can't comprehend why I am so into it. I simply just tell them it's a hobby just like anything else.
That is the same way I feel about openly 'sharing' the info I learn from the hairboards...But what a great hobby it is to have!
Yeah, I was first seen as "hair obsessed" when I came 'out' with my likings about hair, lol. After my 'coming out', lol, my friends and family have grown to accept it. When I throw out a comment about someone's hair on TV or share pics of my hair, or take pics of their hair for my site, lol, they know it's just me being me
. Although many new friends have no clue of my 'hidden pleasures'
. On a serious note, taking care of your hair is probably something that's new to your friends; one day they'll be comfortable with it all, maybe even ask you for help with their own hair.

Well she's right...I AM obsessed with my hair....

And so are all the folks that accost me in the street wanting to know where I got that pretty weave in that pretty color that looks so unbeweavably real...


Shake it off girl. Ain't NO thing....
Well to be honest...when I first found the site over a year ago I was a little cynical myself. I thought that yall were, well, a little ummm crazy about the hair thing. I mean I thought that the amount of vitamins and supplements that folks were taking was a little excessive and IMO, dangerous. Mind you, at this point my hair was past my shoulders and my atttitude was "It's just hair, It will will grow back." But all it took was ONE BAD PERM! My hair was breaking so fast...I spent some HEAVY research time trying to find this site again.
I started ordering the supplements and actually enjoying the stories and people here. So I understand how it might be strange for some people at first, and I am careful who I share it with, cuz I dont want ppl looking at me like this
Teshila I'm using your words, but I don't mean this personally to you. I use them though because I think that many women do this. I think it's cool of you to be honest about it.

I've never felt badly about any of my "obessions" though because I always think that "crazy" reflects the pathology of the individual who sees something they themselves would like to achieve, and instead of getting a pen and a notebook when they find someone who has experience with it or has chieved inordinate success, they find reasons to decide that you're nuts.

I see this all the time with women - they love your sense of style but they think you're "crazy" to spend all that money on the things you love to wear and that fit you well. They think you're really smart, and would love a great career, but they think you're "crazy" to have taken out all those loans to go to college. They love how well behaved your children are, but they think you're "crazy" for making them go to bed at 8 and do thier homework right after school. They love your home, but they think it's "crazy" that you subscribe to home decorating magazines and comb the internet for fun places to buy interesting things.

To me it's far more nutty to see people succeeding at something you admire, or want to achieve yourself, and call them crazy.
Thanks Tracy, I appreciate what you are saying. In my experiences with the internet, I have come across some pretty dubious things, so for me after being taught many of the "myths of black hair," the information here was pretty outlandish. I have learned a great deal, but had I not been in a bind, I probably would have dismissed a lot of good information because it did not fall in line with what I had always been told. That is sad to say, but I do not think that I am an anomaly. My hair had always grown pretty well all my life, and it took my own troubles to force me to learn something new. Today I am a product junkie who gives out hair advice as if I had been annointed by the ladies of LHCF.
I have to admit that I have never "come out" about how much interest I take in perfecting my hair. You should see me. I sneak in on the internet at work and if someone walks up behind, I hide the screen. It's equivalent to hiding a drug problem .
I have revealed my secret to a few close friends and have even swayed a few followers into my mode. I think I can manage to enlarge my cult following once my proof (beautifully long healthy hair) has manifested. I plan to parlay this into a lucrative business (opening a salon). What a diabolical plan
I can not tell a lie, I too thought the people on this board were hair obsessed! I thought the friend (hey Mamacita
) that I learned of this board from, was more involved with hair than I'd like to be. But, this is a message about hair! Therefore, one should expect to find lots of info about hair.
Now, because I've always wanted to grow longer hair this board along with NP became a little interesting to me. It actually sparked a sense of urgency in my hair growth goals. So I don't see you guys as hair obsessed anymore
, just hair conscious and thanks for making me that way too!
Angeluvsubabe...your friends don't share in this interest of yours so you seem "obsessed" as they put it. Tell them hair growth is an interest of yours so this board is a hobby.
I personally see my growing hair as a challenge to myself...
It's o.k.!
My family thinks I'm insane for being a part of a hair discussion forum. I stopped talking to them about lhcf a loooong time ago. But guess who they call when they have a hair crisis? I make them beg.
That is why it was such a shocker, because she alwasy asks me about hair, and what to do with it. Before I showed her the style she was asking dye advice, go figure, LOL
Eveyone thinks I am nuts too. My BF is jealous of LHCF cuz he thinks it takes up too much of my time. My family and friedns don't get it. I think they are resigned to the myth that black women can't grow long hair because we don't have "GOOD HAIR" (their beliefs not mine..my hair is GOOD HAIR TOO!) and think that this is a gimmick and I am wasting my time and money. I will let my hair do the talking in about a year or so.

Even right now they are constantly commenting on how my hair is looking healthy and its growing nicely, yet for some reason they don't attribute this to my new "obsession" Oh well if they want to continue walking around with a busted looking head of hair that's their business.
alliyah4eva203 said:
just let your hair do the talking

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i agree...i stopped discussing hair with my friends and co-workers...as long as my hair keeps looking good... there is no conversation...because then they would have to admit i am doing something right.
I admit I felt the same way initially..that the ladies here were obsessed with their hair.But before I knew it I had hopped right on the bandwagon,lol.
People are always skeptical but I always tell them "proof is in the pudding"

One lady told me once that my hair would fall out since I washed it everyday. I kindly told her that I have been doing it almost a year and my hair has grown from just below ear length to shoulder length. She had no more to say!

But you know what? From now on I will keep my mouth shut too. It is too much trouble trying to defend myself and my hair!
Falon said:
Eveyone thinks I am nuts too. My BF is jealous of LHCF cuz he thinks it takes up too much of my time.

[/ QUOTE ]
Same here. He always jokes you spend so much time on that forum instead of tending to your man

and My father always yells get off that dang chat room
People think Im crazy when they ask me "what are you doing?" and I say "on the Long Hair Care Forum". Then they blow their breath like "oh gosh!"
Tracy said:
Teshila I'm using your words, but I don't mean this personally to you. I use them though because I think that many women do this. I think it's cool of you to be honest about it.

I've never felt badly about any of my "obessions" though because I always think that "crazy" reflects the pathology of the individual who sees something they themselves would like to achieve, and instead of getting a pen and a notebook when they find someone who has experience with it or has chieved inordinate success, they find reasons to decide that you're nuts.

I see this all the time with women - they love your sense of style but they think you're "crazy" to spend all that money on the things you love to wear and that fit you well. They think you're really smart, and would love a great career, but they think you're "crazy" to have taken out all those loans to go to college. They love how well behaved your children are, but they think you're "crazy" for making them go to bed at 8 and do thier homework right after school. They love your home, but they think it's "crazy" that you subscribe to home decorating magazines and comb the internet for fun places to buy interesting things.

To me it's far more nutty to see people succeeding at something you admire, or want to achieve yourself, and call them crazy.
<img src="http://st1m.longhaircareforum.com/images/smilies/ohwell.gif" alt="" />

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Damn /images/graemlins/clap.gif