MAJOR shedding!


New Member
I really need some advice here! I have been shedding majorly; combing my hair covers my comb and clothes in hair. It doesn't seem that my hair is breaking off because the hairs are long, but I don't know what's causing it. I had a baby about 3 months ago but I don't think that it's related to this because it didn't happen with my first daughter. This just started about a week or two ago. I have a picture of some shed hair from my most recent hair wash in my Summer 2005 album. I have never shed this much in my life!! Help, help!
Have you stopped taking your pre natals? It could be that or just the hormones ajusting themselves.
I am so sorry to hear about your shedding. I feel your pain. I could not stand it when this happed to me. :nono: I tried Affirm 5 in 1 reconstructor and it nipped it in the bud for me. I also notice that when I am stressed my hair tends to shed more than normal. Could this be the case?
More than likely it is related to the recent birth of your child, even though it did not happen with your first daughter. If you're no longer taking prenatals, start a new vitamin regimen. Deep condition once a week and lay off the heat as much as you can. Eat well, exercise and baby your hair.

And congratulations on your new bundle of joy!

ETA: I just noticed that you recently relaxed your hair, just before you say the shedding started. That could be a contributing factor to the AMOUNT of hair you shed, but overall, I believe it is your hormones readjusting after the birth.
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I agree, it sounds like it could be post pardum shedding. Even though you did not have it with your first child.

Mine started about 2.5 months after having my daughter. I also relaxed my hair about 1 month prior to when the shedding started.

If this is the case it will stop. I would suggest not to put any stress on the hair if you can (like combing brushing). I was combing hair out of my head left and right, if I had known I would have been more gentle with detangling etc.

I used Keraphix weekly and Emergencee bi weekly (all by Nexxus) and it stopped about 2 months after.

With my first child she took my hair and with my second child my hair grew beautifully with no problems. I have been told this too many times. Each pregnancy is different. Maybe with this last pregnancy your hair shedded and it didn't with the first. What I did with my first child, I kept getting my hair done on a regular basis (every 2 weeks) (this is before I joined the forum 5 years ago), deep condition my hair, & letting it rest. Do not put too much stress on the hair. My beautician still put heat in my hair, but the less stress the better and eventually my hair was strong and back to normal. Try this for a while and see what happens. Not telling you to see a beautician just do the less stress as possible.

password: jesus
Thanks for all of the suggestions! You know, now that you all mention it, I haven't taken any vitamin in weeks! Also, I did get epidurals with each of my girls. Hopefully this shedding won't happen with any other pregnancy. How much shed hair should a person see? Is the hair on my picture too much? Directly after I got my relaxer I used Emergencee, deep conditioned with ORS Mayo, and followed that with KeraCare Leave-In. I'm going to try to catch up with my vitamins, continue to do protein treatments and see what happens. Thanks again!
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What I've learned about hair shedding from LHCF is that Vitamin B complex will nip it in the bud. However vitamins give me a huge appetite, so I don't take them. Also drink carrot juice that helps but here again it causes weight gain (for me).