:( major setback


Well-Known Member
So I stretched for 7 months and when I got the relaxer my hair was so thick and bouncy. In Aug. I switched birth control pills, I went from Yaz to Ocella. My hair started falling out immediately, but I never connected it to the new pill until 3 months later!! My hair is so thin!! and it has not grown at all, i havent had a relaxer cuz i dont need one!! by now i shud have had 2 inches of new growth. I stopped taking it and am now taking maca, hoping it will help. :(

i'm just feeling sorry for myself right now.....
Sorry to hear that.
Have you done any searches on the internet so see if anyone else has had those side effects from the pills. It sounds like an internal problem, but then again i've heard of people losing hair a few months after a relaxer.

I feel your frustration!

I dont know much about the Maca but Biotin is known for thickening hair.
And Megatek. I havent tried the megatek but people seem to like it here and say its def made their hair thick.

Would it be possible with other alternatives to the birth control pills?

I heard its worst in the beginning and then it gets better.

im sure the others can give some advice :yep:
I'm sorry about your setback but I just wanted to warn you that some people take maca to improve their chances of conceiving. If this is not your intention you make want to use another form of BC.
i'm so sorry for what happened to you, hun!
Is Ocella a low-hormone bc?
Even if it is, remember that hormones have different effects on different people. When pregnant, some women's hair grows like a weed, while others' falls out. When on the same bc as a friend, she gained weight while I lost.
Do some research into the hormone level of your previous bc as compared to the new one and maybe that might give you some insight.

Don't worry, you'll bounce back! :-)
Very sorry to hear of your setback.....pick up and get on with an even better progress! Less is best, leave it alone and let it do it's thing! Good Luck Anna
Take B complex Balanced 100

Birth Control knocks out some of your B's and the others dont work without the ones being knocked out

this will mess up everything, not just your hair

take it asap, double the dose at first for like 5 days , then go to 1 a day
When I was on DEPO my hair stopped growing...I don't believe it was falling out or anything but yeah you have to look at the side effects of some of those things. Once I got on this whole hair journey thing I had to give up the BC if I was going to big chop...can't cut all my hair off and then be cool with it not growing back.
I totally understand your disappointment which is why I stopped taking the pill. I would say to give it time to get out of your system and you will see your hair return to the condition you're used to seeing. However, so you're not unprotected contact your doctor immediately for something else.

All of this western medicine is a trip! The side effects are worse than the benefits... YIKES!
Girl you’re not alone! For the last two months, I’ve been experiencing a lot of shedding (more than normal for me). I couldn’t understand why because I was doing everything the same, so I thought. Come to find out I’ve done a few different things.

1.Got back on Depo Provera, next shot is in November, I wont be getting another shot. Even though my shedding started before getting the shot. Other reasons why I decided not to continue it.

2. 3,000 mg of Biotin, throwing the entire bottle away. I think this is the culprit, I remember posting something about this about two months ago.

3.Be Beautiful vitamins from GNC, going back to my plain ol’ GNC Mega Woman
I am so sorry to hear about your hair. BC pills can really do a job on us at times. I don't know if you do this already, but one thing I have found to really thicken my hair is CO/JBCO. I poured it into an applicator bottle with a VERY small hole. I got the tip off of Hairlista (I think) where there are doing several CO challenges. Since I wear my hair in mostly protective styles, the additional oil does not bother me.

But please don't worry though, time will bring your hair back.
