MAJOR, Matted Mess. Should I go ahead and relax?


Genius never dies!
I lost a fair amount of hair tonight, ladies....:(:(:(

Not even my beloved Aveda DR, nor Porosity Control, nor Silicon Mix deep conditioner could detangle the matted mess that I now have on my head. I usually do not lose a lot of hair, but tonight I did. :(

I attempted to rollerset like I usually do weekly.

Well, I tried all kinds of detanglers, leave-ins. NOTHING, not NOTHING worked. As soon as I detangled, using my Jilbere Shower Comb, my hair just stuck together, MATTED and tangled as if I didn't just work the comb through.

The more I untangled the mats, the more hair I saw. To make matters worse, my newgrowth was not cooperating at all. It just tangled and matted after every stroke. Adding more moisturizers or water just made it worse. Again, more matting and more tangles.

Ladies, does all of this mean that I need to relax?

If so, I would need to do so right away. Perhaps next weekend.

If I need to relax, I have two main concerns:

1. Since I have a lot of newgrowth throughout, should I go see a professional? I'm so scared that a stylist is going to want to cut all my hair off.

2. If I self-relax, I'm still unsure of what to use. Lye or No Lye? If Lye, then it's a toss up between Lady Velvet and ORS Lye. I saw both of these brands in my local BSS.

Ladies, your input is desperately needed and always greatly appreciated. There is some good news to all of this:

First, never before have I ever had this much newgrowth in such a short period of time (10 weeks). Second, my hair has undoubtedly gotten thicker, as evidenced by the strands, not just the newgrowth. Third, my ends don't look that bad. I'm sure that I'll probably need a light dusting after my relaxer, but I am very excited to see what growth I have.


Serenity_Peace :kiss:
Maybe you need to clarify. Also, is this the first time that you stretched to 10 wks?

ETA: Personally, for me, if it was doing more harm than good, Id go ahead and relax. 10 wks is plenty for me.
I am sorry to hear that!!! I know how it can be w/ NG and detangling and getting all those knots out. Have you tried to use any oil to get thru the knots. This helps me so much because the hair is really slippery and smooth and I can easily pull the hair out of the knot w/o losing other strands. Is this the longest you have stretched your relaxer. Whats helped in the past?? Take your time when you detangle I know it can be frustrating but I found that if I relax it makes it so much easier to get the knots out as well. Im sure some to the ladies on here will have better advice to give you. 10wks is still a long time so if your afraid you might lose more hair go ahead and relax. I would go to a stylist if your not sure on doing it on your own. IMO! Good luck sweetie;)
Okay so your hair matted because you have a lot of new growth or did you use a product that matted your hair?:confused:
Yep. I tried that, too! Put a ton of conditioner, then use the water and the Jilbere shower comb to get it through. That didn't work and it usually does. I've never had this problem before. The matting has gotten me worried. I just tried to comb my hair back and put it in a wet bun. Now I'm sitting under the dryer, hoping that that will help. :(
Lavendar said:
Okay so your hair matted because you have a lot of new growth or did you use a product that matted your hair?:confused:

I used the same product that I always use to detangle my hair. Never had this problem before, and I used the same product. No matter what I did, the matting got worse...
shunta said:
Maybe you need to clarify. Also, is this the first time that you stretched to 10 wks?

ETA: Personally, for me, if it was doing more harm than good, Id go ahead and relax. 10 wks is plenty for me.

I clarified last week. Didn't have a problem. I didn't use any new products or a lot of products at all. I wear my hair in a bun 97% of the time. I only really use Aveda products for everyday styling, nothing else.
bablou00 said:
I am sorry to hear that!!! I know how it can be w/ NG and detangling and getting all those knots out. Have you tried to use any oil to get thru the knots. This helps me so much because the hair is really slippery and smooth and I can easily pull the hair out of the knot w/o losing other strands. Is this the longest you have stretched your relaxer. Whats helped in the past?? Take your time when you detangle I know it can be frustrating but I found that if I relax it makes it so much easier to get the knots out as well. Im sure some to the ladies on here will have better advice to give you. 10wks is still a long time so if your afraid you might lose more hair go ahead and relax. I would go to a stylist if your not sure on doing it on your own. IMO! Good luck sweetie;)

Hi bablou001! :wave: I love your picture, by the way. Very beautiful. I always stretch to 16 weeks. I'm going to try using some oil. I have every kind there is. I know that most of the time, getting under the dryer helps some. I have very fine, delicate hair, too, so I'm afraid to comb it so much. I just put a lot of oil on the hair, then got under the dryer. I'm thinking that'll work. I also think you're right. I may have to visit a stylist and just go ahead and get a professional relaxer.
AHHH Thanks!!! I use EVOO and Jojoba oil when my hair is dry and I pull the strands thru the knots. I hate doing it but my hair knots up so bad no matter what I do. The oil works wonders:D
Serenity_Peace said:
Hi bablou001! :wave: I love your picture, by the way. Very beautiful. I always stretch to 16 weeks. I'm going to try using some oil. I have every kind there is. I know that most of the time, getting under the dryer helps some. I have very fine, delicate hair, too, so I'm afraid to comb it so much. I just put a lot of oil on the hair, then got under the dryer. I'm thinking that'll work. I also think you're right. I may have to visit a stylist and just go ahead and get a professional relaxer.

You say your hair is very fine....are you detangling and then combing again with a fine tooth comb at every wash? My hair is very fine too and I was doing the minimal manipulation thing, but my hair was just wrapping around itself and causing more problems. I started detangling throughly and then combing small sections with lots of leave-in, some oil, and a fine-tooth Mason Pearson comb and no more mats and very, very few knots. (Got this tip from LocksofLuv;) ) You have to be consistent though when you have fine hair.
This is exactly what happened to me on my last stretch around 12 wks. Nothing worked! Someone suggested using oils as a prepoo, which is what I did. I mixed jojoba oil, coconut oil and sweet almond oil together. Put it on my hair focusing on the ng, put on a plastic cap, under the dryer for about 30 min. This allowed me to detangle prior to pooing. This extra step allowed me to reach a 14wk stretch. Hopefully this will work for you.
Just take your time and if possible enlist a trusted friend to help you detangle. The only time that I have had problems detangling is when I washed my hair after taking out braids without making sure it was thoroughly combed out. :eek: THAT sucked big time. Now I only comb my hair once a week on wash days and I use Le Kair Cholestrol mixed with EVOO to help me detangle and section my hair into braids with my Jilbere de Paris comb.
Lavendar said:
You say your hair is very fine....are you detangling and then combing again with a fine tooth comb at every wash? My hair is very fine too and I was doing the minimal manipulation thing, but my hair was just wrapping around itself and causing more problems. I started detangling throughly and then combing small sections with lots of leave-in, some oil, and a fine-tooth Mason Pearson comb and no more mats and very, very few knots. (Got this tip from LocksofLuv;) ) You have to be consistent though when you have fine hair.

Yeah. What I usually do is separate my hair into 4 parts, then work on each part by itself, adding the oil and leave-ins. First I detangle with a wide tooth comb, then when I'm rollersetting I do use a fine-tooth comb for smoothing. Each and every time, it worked until tonight. For some reason I got more matting and tangling. I do think you're on to something with the hair wrapping around itself. Not only is my hair very fine; it's also extremely soft, so the hair does wrap around itself. It did this especially when I was natural and I hated it. Always had tiny knots, but not as a relaxed head. This is the first time this has happened. I always make sure that I comb my hair out, too, before washing to make sure that the shedded or dead hair doesn't wrap around my hair when its wet. Still, I can't figure out what's happened. I've done the same routine as I always have.:confused:

Thanks so much for your advice and help. :kiss: I think I will make an appointment to get a professional relaxer. (JLove74, I may call up Judith and make an appointment.)
Lavendar said:
You say your hair is very fine....are you detangling and then combing again with a fine tooth comb at every wash? My hair is very fine too and I was doing the minimal manipulation thing, but my hair was just wrapping around itself and causing more problems. I started detangling throughly and then combing small sections with lots of leave-in, some oil, and a fine-tooth Mason Pearson comb and no more mats and very, very few knots. (Got this tip from LocksofLuv;) ) You have to be consistent though when you have fine hair.

Yeah. What I usually do is separate my hair into 4 parts, then work on each part by itself, adding the oil and leave-ins. First I detangle with a wide tooth comb, then when I'm rollersetting I do use a fine-tooth comb for smoothing. Each and every time, it worked until tonight. For some reason I got more matting and tangling. I do think you're on to something with the hair wrapping around itself. Not only is my hair very fine; it's also extremely soft, so the hair does wrap around itself. It did this especially when I was natural and I hated it. Always had tiny knots, but not as a relaxed head. This is the first time this has happened. I always make sure that I comb my hair out, too, before washing to make sure that the shedded or dead hair doesn't wrap around my hair when its wet. Still, I can't figure out what's happened. I've done the same routine as I always have.:confused:

Thanks so much for your advice and help. :kiss: I think I will make an appointment to get a professional relaxer. (JLove74, I may call up Judith and make an appointment.)
Serenity_Peace said:
Thanks so much for your advice and help. :kiss: I think I will make an appointment to get a professional relaxer. (JLove74, I may call up Judith and make an appointment.)

Aww! You're quite welcome. That's what we're here for! Unfortunately, I haven't made it past 10 weeks myself.....don't be disappointed. Let us know how the appointment goes.;)
janeemat said:
This is exactly what happened to me on my last stretch around 12 wks. Nothing worked! Someone suggested using oils as a prepoo, which is what I did. I mixed jojoba oil, coconut oil and sweet almond oil together. Put it on my hair focusing on the ng, put on a plastic cap, under the dryer for about 30 min. This allowed me to detangle prior to pooing. This extra step allowed me to reach a 14wk stretch. Hopefully this will work for you.

That's what I was gonna say. That and diluting my poos help a bunch. Really it's the poo that gets me in trouble everytime.
I am 7 weeks post and all my NEWGROWTH mattin also so what i am goin to do is leave some oil in my hair overnite see if tha helps.
HI SP:wave:

:( How s your hair doing after the rollerset?

:think: When I did my first henna gloss treatment, my hair was mad and really matted and the only thing that helped was Mane n Tale heat protectant, 'cause is also a great detangler.
janeemat said:
This is exactly what happened to me on my last stretch around 12 wks. Nothing worked! Someone suggested using oils as a prepoo, which is what I did. I mixed jojoba oil, coconut oil and sweet almond oil together. Put it on my hair focusing on the ng, put on a plastic cap, under the dryer for about 30 min. This allowed me to detangle prior to pooing. This extra step allowed me to reach a 14wk stretch. Hopefully this will work for you.

Next weekend when I wash again, I will do an oil-based pre-poo and see how that works. Right now, I'm monitoring my hair to see if I get any more breakage this week. If the breakage continues I'll set up an appointment for a relaxer. If I can wait one or two more weeks when I get paid again, I'll get the relaxer then. I'm also moving, so I would rather wait until I'm settled in the next couple of weeks before doing my hair. I gotta tell ya, though: I got hella new growth up in here. ;)
sareca said:
That's what I was gonna say. That and diluting my poos help a bunch. Really it's the poo that gets me in trouble everytime.

Do you dilute all your poos? I've also thought about just doing a condition wash during the week, but that may not be a good idea if I'm trying to cut down on manipulation...
Serenity_Peace said:
Thanks so much for your advice and help. :kiss: I think I will make an appointment to get a professional relaxer. (JLove74, I may call up Judith and make an appointment.)

Yeah, going to a professional will be much better than trying to self-relax. Judy will take great care of you :) Let us know how it goes
la flaca said:
HI SP:wave:

:( How s your hair doing after the rollerset?

:think: When I did my first henna gloss treatment, my hair was mad and really matted and the only thing that helped was Mane n Tale heat protectant, 'cause is also a great detangler.

Hi there, sweetie! Well, I added the jojoba and coconut oils (thanks, Sareca and Babylou001 :kiss:), then combed through a bit more. I rolled my hair with several flexi-rods, then sat under the bonnet dryer for an hour. I then tied the hair up and went to bed. This morning I awoke to shiny, soft hair that was easy to comb. I lost a few hairs but not many. Right now I'm just monitoring my hair this week to see how it does. Even my SO said that my hair looked great, but he's biased. Anyway, I prefer to wait another week or so because I'm also in the process of moving and I get paid in two weeks. If I can hold off, 'til then, I'll be happy. I'm going to stop BT for a couple of weeks prior to the relaxer. I think that I'll just be bunning and perhaps not wash my hair again until 2 weeks. Yeah, I know that sounds gross but the Aveda Light Elements Mist will come in handy there...

I'll keep everyone posted.
I'm glad that you have resolved the problem. I would wait as long as you can before getting relaxed it seems your hair has been through major stress and it needs time to recover. let it rest and recover and give it some care and attention. moisturise and oil it in the meantime and it will reward you!!

Keep us updated

Try washing in braids, it minimises tangles, i have pics in my fotki (the washing process album), god bless