Maintaining your hair in your own kitchen....


New Member
hello all hairgrowers,,

Rightnow money is alittle tight and i wanted to get some input from you lovely ladies... for the next few weeks or months (or until i get some cash) is it possible for me to maintain my relaxed hair using the items i have in my kitchen.. by items i mean coconut oil, coconut milk, evoo, aloe vera,raw honey, essential oils and i have some dr bronners peppermint soap ( i was going to use this as a shampoo). oh i fogot eggs and yogurt.. can someone tell me can this be done or will my hair fall out?? lool

thank you
I think you totally can.

Prepoo: Coconut oil by itself (I use it all the time to prepoo). Or a coconut oil/evoo mix.

Shampoo: mix the dr. bronners with water and some evoo (it's really harsh by itself).

Conditioner: coconut milk...if you let it sit in the fridge for a while the cream will rise to the top and you can use that.

Mix some of the coconut cream with honey and evoo (you can add aloe vera to thin it out).

Protein treatment: Eggs or yogurt by themselves or mixed together. You could also mix some evoo with them for a bit of moisture.

Moisturizer: It depends on what you like. Aloe vera with some water and a bit of oil would work. Also, if you can afford to get some vegetable glycerin a lot of people love aloe vera and glycerin mixed together as a moisturizer.

Sealer: Coconut oil, evoo.

You can add the essential oils to any of the mixes, just makes sure not to use too much (a few drops of each is fine).

If you search the board for any of those ingredients lots of threads will pop up with different ideas on how to use them.
hello msa,

woow thank you very much for the breakdown...i will try this and see what happens and i will search the forum for information on these ingredients.. again thanks

Oh my gosh! Of course!! Those are some of the best things to use in your hair for a DC:yep: I go for weeks on end just using my mom's all natural Haitian deep conditioner recipes and whip em up in my kitchen my hair comes out lovely. Alot of times their better then the store bought stuff!! One of my faves is Egg/Mayo/EVOO my hair comes out strong moisturized and shines at the end because of the EVOO.

You'll do great msa's suggestions were right on the money:)