Magnesium Oil & Hair growth


Well-Known Member
I've decided to give Magnesium Oil a try. I've used it on my skin(for absoprtion) and so far I like the results. I.e. I feel better.

Its my understanding that this when applied (sprayed/misted) on the scalp can improve hair growth by dissolving calcium deposits that are or may block hair follicles.

My hair in the crown is way thinner than I'm comfortable with, so this and scalp massages will be a staple for the next 6 months or so. I've neglected doing scalp massages for the past few months.

For those of you that do protective styling by using lo-manipulation "Please massage your scalps", this type of "stimulation/manipulation " is necessary for healthy scalps & hair growth. I'm real disappointed with my "thinness".
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Where do u buy this? Is there any more information on this oil? Do u think it is possible the "calcium deposits" from relaxer are in the crown and thus slowing the growth in this area? If correct than using internal growth aid and external growth would not be effect because of the blockage?
The list:
OLIVE OIL: tripalmitin, oleic acids, triolein, arachidic esters, flavonoids, squalene, terpenoids, hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, oleuropein, the aglycone of ligostride, (+)-1-acetoxypinoresinol, pinoresinol, alpha-tocopherol, vanillic and caffeic acid, oleocanthal (the dialdehydic form of (-)deacetoxy-ligostride aglycone), chlorophyll, pheophytin and carotenoids.
COCONUT OIL: lauric acid, monolaurin , capric acid and monocaprin.

JOJOBA OIL: long-chained monohydroxyl alcohols, pro vitamin A and E.
OTHER VEGETAL SOURCES OF: vitamin D (ergocalciferol), choline, inostol, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and calcium.
I've decided to give Magnesium Oil a try. I've used it on my skin(for absoprtion) and so far I like the results. I.e. I feel better.

Its my understanding that this when applied (sprayed/misted) on the scalp can improve hair growth by dissolving calcium deposits that are or may block hair follicles.

My hair in the crown is way thinner than I'm comfortable with, so this and scalp massages will be a staple for the next 6 months or so. I've neglected doing scalp massages for the past few months.

For those of you that do protective styling by using lo-manipulation "Please massage your scalps", this type of "stimulation/manipulation " is necessary for healthy scalps & hair growth. I'm real disappointed with my "thinness".

I definitely agree with the scalp massages. I have tried to increase how often I do these. I hate them though :lol: I am hoping to see noticeable improvement in my crown area by December.
I'm answering from my phone so I'll try to address all the questions. I first saw this at Whole Foods, but I purchased mine from the local health food store.

Yep, I think that approaching the problem both internally & externally will yield better results. I did well during a stretch a few yrs ago by taking Olive Oil & honey daily (1-2 tsp), the hair growth was healthier & fuller.

I used to relax/texlax every 4-5 weeks. I believe the follicules are damaged, & I hope this helps in this area. So far after 2days of topical applications to my inner elbows, I must admit that I "feel" better mood wise, I've also been misting this on my scalp in the AM.

I've included pictures of my sparsely populated crown as a starting point.


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I've decided to give Magnesium Oil a try. I've used it on my skin(for absoprtion) and so far I like the results. I.e. I feel better.

Its my understanding that this when applied (sprayed/misted) on the scalp can improve hair growth by dissolving calcium deposits that are or may block hair follicles.

My hair in the crown is way thinner than I'm comfortable with, so this and scalp massages will be a staple for the next 6 months or so. I've neglected doing scalp massages for the past few months.

For those of you that do protective styling by using lo-manipulation "Please massage your scalps", this type of "stimulation/manipulation " is necessary for healthy scalps & hair growth. I'm real disappointed with my "thinness".

I will definitely look into this. Since being diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis in 2004 my hair follicles are clogged no matter what I do. The scalp scrubs that I have tried, by combining brown sugar and co or oil, have either been too abusive or ineffective. I will research this more because I am dealing with crown thinning and having fine hair is depressing to say the least.
Thanks for this thread I am experiencing thinning in my crown as well.

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I've decided to give Magnesium Oil a try. I've used it on my skin(for absoprtion) and so far I like the results. I.e. I feel better.

Its my understanding that this when applied (sprayed/misted) on the scalp can improve hair growth by dissolving calcium deposits that are or may block hair follicles.

My hair in the crown is way thinner than I'm comfortable with, so this and scalp massages will be a staple for the next 6 months or so. I've neglected doing scalp massages for the past few months.

For those of you that do protective styling by using lo-manipulation "Please massage your scalps", this type of "stimulation/manipulation " is necessary for healthy scalps & hair growth. I'm real disappointed with my "thinness".
Ivonnovi let us know how it goes. I have hormonal and genetic related hair loss so anything that might combat dht issues is a sure plus!
Since I received my scalp massager from Thailand, I massage my scalp everyday. I do it while watching TV, that way I don't think about it. I do at least 5 minutes per day, but trying to work up to 10 minutes per day.
chicha & others.
No updates as of yet.
I have been traveling frequently over the past few weeks, so I've slaked off on the misting of the scalp, due to protective styling (and laziness).

I'm back on track now.

Coffee. Thanks for reminding me of the scalp massagers. I'm headed to Bed, Bath, and Beyond for my favorite one today.
Since I received my scalp massager from Thailand, I massage my scalp everyday. I do it while watching TV, that way I don't think about it. I do at least 5 minutes per day, but trying to work up to 10 minutes per day.

I have a question for you Coffee. I just received my scalp massager yesterday and I notice some rough edges around the balls of the gadget that I need to smooth out. My question is, while doing scalp massages with it, does it tangle your hair? Can you explain how you do it. My back grows very slow and I want to massage that area particularly to see if I can get more growth. Thanks
subbing. I am currently using and having good results with panthenol but would like to also try the mag oil. I wonder if I could mix the two.

I have had great results with panthenol and A&D ointment. IDK y I continue trying products. I think I need PJ counseling. ::Shrugs::

I heard that the Mag Oil was great for relaxing the body.

I guess it should work n the rest of the body as well.
I've used magnesium oil to take that extra skin layer off my feet. It took some work because the skin became flaky and needed to be scraped off. The process took about a month. My usually hardened soles became baby soft. Then I fell off. Soon I noticed that the tightening of the legs and general stiffness came back. I hadn't noticed that those old lady symptoms had been improved also until I stopped using the mag oil. I put some on my feet last night to see if it would help and it did. I can confidently attest to the effectiveness of magnesium oil to "relax the body".

I'm not sure if i would want to use it on my scalp because of the texture. If I did, I would apply directly to the scalp only.
^^^Because of the texture of the scalp or the texture of the magnesium oil? Sounds like it breaks down hard skin, so wouldn't that be a benefit?
^^^Because of the texture of the scalp or the texture of the magnesium oil? Sounds like it breaks down hard skin, so wouldn't that be a benefit?

because of the texture of the magnesium oil. i don't think it would really lubricate the hair. i'm not sure though. breaking down hard skin would appear to be beneficial. those links posted above should be illuminating.
things i've gleaned from the links:

best to apply to scalp as a prepoo...sounds like it needs to be washed off the scalp or it could be drying

thanks to guyanesesista for the links! much appreciated

if this progresses to a challenge, i would be interested in being in one so keep me posted y'all. i will definitely be applying the oil to my scalp as a prepoo for around 15 minutes. i will anticipate flakiness as per my previous experience with using mag oil. but a good oiling of the scalp should keep it in line. the main benefit would be to prepare the scalp for nutrients, better absorption i would imagine. any other ideas?
I've decided to give Magnesium Oil a try. I've used it on my skin(for absoprtion) and so far I like the results. I.e. I feel better.

Its my understanding that this when applied (sprayed/misted) on the scalp can improve hair growth by dissolving calcium deposits that are or may block hair follicles.

My hair in the crown is way thinner than I'm comfortable with, so this and scalp massages will be a staple for the next 6 months or so. I've neglected doing scalp massages for the past few months.

For those of you that do protective styling by using lo-manipulation "Please massage your scalps", this type of "stimulation/manipulation " is necessary for healthy scalps & hair growth. I'm real disappointed with my "thinness".

Hi Ivonnovi,
How are you getting on with the Magnesium Oil?
@MeechUK and others.....

Whelp, I'd have to say not much of a change, but then I've not been diligent in my "crown care".

I've attached two pictures.

The 1st is a recent closeup I took while coloring the crown area.

The 2nd is a picture taken almost 2.5 years ago when I started my lock journey.

The parts vs. scalpy areas don't show that much improvement however I have to admit now that my natural & locked hair has replaced the relaxed straight hair my Sisterlocks look much better when I wear them loose and not in a ponytail.

I remember cringing :perplexed: when I saw the 1st saw the second picture.


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