:::Magic Caps:::


Well-Known Member
Have any of you guy's tried this night wear caps that supposed to help in grtowing hair?
They cost like 4-5 dollars
I have two purple ones. I like them. I don't know if my hair is growing from the cap or if it's from just taking really good care of my hair. I don't have as much shedding when I wear my caps. You are supposed to only wear them for about a month or so...if I remember correctly. And you are not supposed to get it wet. But I like it. and I plan to keep wearing them to protect my hair at night. It can become a bit costly...so I just keep on using it to tie my hair up. It's cool though...I have no complaints. HTH.
I have two or three pink ones. I like them because they are large and they are made out of a pantyhose type fabric that doesn't slide off my head every 5 seconds. Mine were only $3 each. I can't comment on the "magic" because I wash mine every few days. I only wear them when I'm trying to flatten my hair. I practically live in my drawstring bonnet!

@ dsd:
They have two kinds. I think the "satin gro" is the real slippery one. I don't like that one, either...