Made you own wig/weave?


New Member
In the bss I see doll heads with weaves that are glued to weave caps. I will ask for that particuar 3/4 weave and the lady tells me the hair is track weave not at 3/4 or wig.

It got me thinking has anyone made thier own wigs or weaves customized for their own head? If so I would love to know how and if you have pics that would be great:) .

I want to make my own out of HH, I like the concvience of 3/4 peices but I want it in HH and in a more customized style.
My mother used to go to a hair salon to get hr wigs customized. They would wash her natural hair and then put a wig cap over it. They they would apply the weave to the wig cap and that was her wig!!! I can't give any other tips or details, sorry...FYI, they sewed the pieces on, not glued them
cutiebe2 said:
My mother used to go to a hair salon to get hr wigs customized. They would wash her natural hair and then put a wig cap over it. They they would apply the weave to the wig cap and that was her wig!!! I can't give any other tips or details, sorry...FYI, they sewed the pieces on, not glued them

Wow, that's a great idea.
I wonder if the BSS people would show you how they make those wigs for their displays? It couldn't hurt to ask. Hey, I'm sure they would as it would encourage you to buy the track hair. I might go there one day and ask them myself.