Made an appointment for mini-chop and color!!!


New Member
I have been pondering this so I finally pushed myself to do it today! I made an appointment for my first mini-trim of the year and highlights (the first time I have had color since I started transitioning 2 years ago). I went to my brother's place to look at color swatches.

I first told him that I wanted to get about 3 inches trimmed off and when I had the hair in my hand to show him where to cut it, he said "that's more than 3 inches, are you sure?". I am good with it because even if it's more than 3 inches, that's more relaxed ends I have done away with. I have been averaging about an inch per month so however many inches I actually get cut off, I will go back in that time frame (in months) to get that much more cut off.

Since there is such a contrast in the thickness of the NG and the thin-ness (is that really a word?:grin:) of the relaxed ends, I always have him to curl it with the flat iron to camouflage the thin ends. It works, but I can't hold on to the relaxed ends forever though. I am hoping that I will get enough trimmed off that it's not so noticeable and I will be able to wear it straight again for the first time in awhile. If it doesn't look right, then curls it will be!

What really prompted me to go on and do a mini-chop is that my relaxed ends dry in about 10 minutes when I finish my co-wash, in comparison to my NG. If the ends are drying that fast, that is a sign of the hair not being moisturized enough and although I deep condition every week, my relaxed hair still hasn't caught up to the moisture level of my NG.

I guess I have said all this to say this: Now that I have made this appointment, I am scared as heck!!! Scared of what you ask? Not really the color, because I had it when I was relaxed and didn't have problems, but I guess the biggest thing is that I may not have enough hair to do a nice bun (and that's what's been getting me through this transition). Especially after I just watched Traycee's bun video! (I am feening for that bun:yep:)

Oh, the color I will be getting is a nice copper blend, similiar to some of the older pictures in my album. He showed me 3 different colors in the color family that he will do. My appointment is Friday so I will be sure to post pictures.

O.K., I just had to type all this to calm my nerves!!! :dazed:Thanks for reading..

I can hardly wait to see it! I know how you feel though because I was terrified to cut my hair when I was transitioning. At least you will definitely know you will have a decent length to work with. I went from APL to nape and boy was it liberating and traumatizing. If I could go back in time I'd still do it.

Please post pictures when you get you hair done!
I hope it goes well too!! I always loved your color...try not to give your brother a hard time! :whip:

I won't give him a hard time :grin:. He is really a good colorist but what is so funny is that he knows how I am about him "cutting" my hair versus "trimming" it, so he surprised me when he asked "are you sure you want 3 inches because that is not 3 inches".

I picked out colors on the color board, but what I think I need to do is find pictures on the internet so I can show him when I get there. I think what I am most afraid of is the color on the board not coming out that color on my hair, so it would be best to show him actual heads with that color so he can show me (on the board) what color will give me that color. What do you think?

I've tried find pictures of black women with dark brown color (like mine) and highlights (like the color I want) online but I'm obviously not putting in the right search terms. :ohwell:
I can hardly wait to see it! I know how you feel though because I was terrified to cut my hair when I was transitioning. At least you will definitely know you will have a decent length to work with. I went from APL to nape and boy was it liberating and traumatizing. If I could go back in time I'd still do it.

Please post pictures when you get you hair done!

I'll be sure to post pictures, but you know another thing I'm kind of scared of? That once I get these few inches cut off (this will be my 2nd mini-chop), I will want to go back before the scheduled time and get the remaining relaxed ends cut off too. I know you are thinking "well they need to come off anyway!!!", but I wanted to keep enough length to be able to rely on my bun, which is why I have transitioned for so long.

I can imagine your cut being liberating and traumatizing at the same time. It's like "glad I did it":yep:, but in the same breath "what the heck did I just do?":wallbash::blush: