Mad & Frustrated!


New Member
Everytime I visit someone's pictures and I see the progress they are making (especially those with bra-strap length hair) I get more and more discouraged, because I am not seeing ANY progress at all. I take my vitamins and supplements, minimal heat, top of the line shampoos and conditioners, and I even bought some Surge!
Maybe I should just stay away from the forum for a while.
Does anyone else feel like I do? I'm not asking for a lot, I just want my hair to be all one length and reach my bra-strap.
I had been feeling the same way for a while. But I know that my hair growth is at a crawl during the colder months. How long has it been that you haven't seen progress? Can you still hope for a "spurt" when the weather gets warm?
I didn't see any progress until a few months ago, about 6 months into my healthy hair journey..don't get discouraged, it will all pay off in the end!

edited for spelling error
Hmmm, I guess I started monitoring this process in July. It is now 7 months later and my hair has grown out about 3 inches, BUT I am NOT keeping it
Then try to figure what it doesn't like and concentrating on eliminating that. Things will improve, soon. Remember to give tlc and your hair will ghf (grow, healthy & fine). It is a symbiosis
Stay around sis and continue to get good information from those that are doing well. It takes internal and external treatment for hair growth. Hang in there.
Dont let it get to you...You know how it is watching hair grow...Like watching PAINT DRY!!! It IS may just seem to take forever because of the length you are trying to achieve. In order to keep myself motivated...I have small goals to reach my big goal.

Big Goal - 12 inches by December
First small goal...- wear twist for longer than 2 days.
Go one week without missing one application of know...little accomplishments.

Taking pics of your hair really helps you to see the progress too. Sometimes you think your hair is doing nothing...until you see it in pictures...why not keep a week to week journal of your hair...then you can really assess what is going on. You may not think it is getting longer...but is it getting thicker? Are you avioding split ends? Does your hair seem stronger? Less breakage or shedding? All of those things are positives to consider. If you are noticing a lot of problems then defintely start investigating to find out the reason. You may find you need to change some things in your routine.

Best wishes.
I dont feel my hair is growing all that much, I can definately tell the difference in sheen and health of my hair but the length is just not coming quick enough for me. Im being patient though.
((((((Queeniemeanie)))) we all know why men's hair/nails always grow so fast. They never worry about them! Try not to worry too much, you'll only frustrate yourself more, I think. And that would add to stress, and we know the effects of stress on hair growth... Do you have a hair buddy here that shares your hair type/goals? If not, you can start there. It's always encouraging (and refreshing) to have support from folks you share common problems wtih
Your hair my not be growing as fast as you would like it too but isn't it healthier than it was before you discovered this forum? Stop comparing your progress to others. Keep taking good care of your hair and it will show!
And you know how time is just flying by these days. Before you know it, it'll be summer and your hair will be even more healthy and a lot longer!
I feel discouraged too about my growth and feel like I will be stuck at this length forever.

Some things for you to do:
Have you taken photographs to document your progress?

Why don't you do a search on this board for all of your posts? Try reading your oldest posts first. That should remind you of the struggles you've had so far. I remember a post that I had a while ago....It was a post telling everyone that I could finally make a ponytail with my hair! I was soooo excited because for the longest time, my hair wasn't long enough to put into a ponytail. Now I can wear one with no problem.
Hey Queenie
honestly i think we all hit that time where it just seems as Pookey says "watching paint dry" i extended my relaxer so i could see a difference in length and finally did this time. i mean we all know that our hair is growing, just for the fact that it's hair. i would suggest not worrying about how much it's growing and just concentrate more on your retaining regimen. I know you already are
but when you worry about both (growing and retaining) it just seems like it's more frustrating. so just concentrate on one thing at a time and try extending your relaxer an extra couple weeks to a month and see how you like it
I know how you feel its been almost 4 years since i had a curly perm that made my sides thin and they never fully recovered. I can still see my scalp through my hair at the temples and when my hair is parted its like an half inch wide. Derms keep saying my follicles look fine and it will grow back dada dada dada. Then i've been taking these vitamins no progress there. I have bad dermatitis and my skin and scalp flake like crazy. Then i have to go to school and deal with people teasing me. SO i definately know how you feel
I'm sorry that you're feeling this way. Please look up a thread I stated called "Nessa and others, don't get discouraged." Also, you say that you use minimal heat on your hair--how much/how often is minimal for you? How are you wearing your hair daily? What products are you using on your hair? Are you relaxed or natural? If relaxed, who does your relaxer? Talk to me!
I really haven't been seeing much growth lately either
I feel like it's getting shorter and I'm getting a little freaked out. I'm working really hard on getting a nice, simple regimen with consistent products and minimal manipulation. I'm thinking of starting up a serious supplement regimen. I don't know yet, though. I don't want to keep spending heaps of money on stuff for my hair
I just want all my hair the same length. At this point I don't care if it doesn't get to brastrap...just want it even

Things that I am happy about:
I've been successful with staying away from heat.
I've FINALLY found a good shampoo/conditioner to stick with (Jason's Sea Kelp)
My hair doesn't seem to mind that I'm going on week 18 since my last touch up. It likes the Sea Kelp so much I think it hasn't noticed that it's way past touch-up time, bless its heart