Lye over No-Lye


New Member
Well I am helping a friend relax her hair. I have convinced her to at least try a lye relaxer being that she has always used no lye and is having dryness issues. I told her that the ladies here seem to have good experiences w/ Silk Elements. I am also gonna take the plunge and relax w/ Silk Elements. So we are going to do each others. I'm nervous though because I don't want to over lap on the hair relaxed w/ no-lye. What will happen if I do? :perplexed
Hi C-2008, You will not have any damage going from No -Lye to Lye...just make sure that you use a good base and you may want to use some protein condish on the hair that is NOT to be relaxed to prevent any overprocessing but you should do just fine.

I recently started using Lye again and and will never ever go back to No-Lye...I haven't used it before but Silk Elements has been getting great reviews on this board!

Good Luck Friend!
Add oil or conditioner to her previously relaxed hair.

That's what I was planning on doing but there are some parts of her head where the line of demarcation is so not visble. I guess that part of her head has finer hair (does not really need relaxing IMO) so I'm kinda nervous about those areas in particular because I can't tell whats relaxed and what's new growth.
It wont kill her hair if you overlapped a millimeter. I have seen ppl overlap their hair before, and this have healthly hair. NO I am not saying its fine to overlap, but it wont kill to and her hair wont fall out. As long as it healthy and she is taking good care of it MOI (My Own Opinion).