Lye or No Lye for a corrective?


Well-Known Member
I want to do a corrective and I was wondering if it is best to use a Lye perm or a No Lye perm to do this?

I currently use a no lye for my touch ups. It is Designer Touch. Is it OK to switch just this once to a No Lye if need be?

Thank you.
I would use the same perm you used before if you wan to continue to use that brand. Yes you can switch but I wouldn't do it every time. If you switch to lye you need to apply it all over and not just the new growth.
I would use the same perm you used before if you wan to continue to use that brand. Yes you can switch but I wouldn't do it every time. If you switch to lye you need to apply it all over and not just the new growth.

So you are saying that if I use Lye to do a corrective I have to use it from root to tip???:blush:
Except in the case of a virgin relaxer, I don't think there is EVER EXCEPT FOR NEVER A GOOD REASON TO RELAX YOUR HAIR FROM ROOT TO TIP. LYE OR NO LYE.

As far as you doing a corrective on just the underprocessed parts, I don't have an answer for whether or not it's a good idea to deviate from what it was you were using previously (lye or no lye)
