Luxurious Conditioning Treatment!


New Member
OKay so I've only been able to post since last night and my inner chemist is already awakening... :look:

I need to come up with a regimen so here is what I did today for my DC treatment:

1. Conditioned w/ ORS Hair Mayo for a little protein; 1 hr, no heat

2. Applied some peppermint oil to my scalp only for stimualtion ( a little goes a long way!) This makes my scalp feel sooo good

3. Haven't rinsed out the peppermint oil, and applied a moisturizing mixture of :

Kenra MC
ORS Carrot Oil
Aloe Juice

I don't have a steamer so I'm using the suggested home method (turbie, cap, turbie, cap)

I plan on leaving this on for 1 hour :lick:

I can't wait to see what happens, and I will definitely post results, Ladies! :yep:

EDIT: I was having internet problems so I thought I hadn't posted this thread on here the first time but I did so now this thread is on here twice.. .I'm so sorry!
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Hmm I may need to try this the only thing I don't have is the ORS Carrot Oil I really need to DC but I'm riding with this braidout until the wheels fall off:lachen:
Girl, you should, it was GREAT! My hair had more slip then it has in a while, and I think it really helped up my moisture levels! It might be too moisturizing for some but not for me :look: