Luv Naturals Product review by growingbrown


Well-Known Member
Well I tried all four of her products. I did a henna treatment so there products were used before and after henna. Here are MY results and opinions:

Step 1 Detangler: PH 5.
Pro: Smelled good, a little mediciny when applied but not bad at all. It worked good at detangling my hair. Will work good in detangle my mini twist when romoving.
Con: I usually detangle my hair after washing so I would like to use it for that but it is used as a pre-poo and has to be rinsed out.

Step 2 Wash and Cleanse: PH 6.
Pro: Smelled minty which I like. It cleaned my hair without striping and left it clean.

Con: None

Step 3 Condition: PH 5.5
Pro: I cant describe the smell but for me is wasnt bad at all. And I LOVE IT! My hair loves it. I used it to do a little confition wash after my henna and used it to deep condition. Total time on hair was about 2 hours including 20 min with heat. My hair felt moisturized and soft and good.
Con: None

Step 4 Moisture and Seal: PH 5
Pro: It smells like a cream cicle or a light strawberry scent. Not overpowering to me. It did indeed add moisture to my hair. After a leave-in my hiar usually dries and becomes a little tangled, but not with this. It left my hair soft and moisturized while doing two strand twist (about 25). I will definedly use this again.
Con: I usually detangle my hair at this point. It did not give the slip and detangleing action im used to with the kimmaytube leave in but it did add moinsture to my hair.

Overall, I would repurchase the shampoo, conditioner, and moisture and seal. The detangler i would hesitate in purchasing again only because i usually dont detangle my hair before washing because I usually wash it weeky and wear two stand twist 95% of the time and feel my hair doesnt need detangling. However, I do detangle my hair prior to washing when doing mini twist so the detangle would probably work for this. For this one wash my hair did like these products and i am satisfied with the purchasing LUV Naturals products. HHJ

ETA: The leave-in I like better when applied to my wet hair then damp or semi damp hair. It gave me better coverage. Also, I don't know about the statement "a little goes a long way" but I didn't use a lot for except with the conditioner because I wanted my hair fully covered especially after my henna treatment.
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The leave in conditioner smelled like rotten strawberry yogurt. You know that sweet sour rotten smell. I did not bother trying to return it since i remember reading a no return (cause product is all natural blah blah) disclaimer on the website. I did go ahead and used it once. It just made my hair stinks rotten strawberry yogurt. It did not make my hair hard but it did not moisturized it either. It did nothing. So i went back in the shower and use some of my conditioner to rinse it out.
That was the only product i ordered while i was searching for a leave in. I now use bee mine bee lovely as my leave in and i am in love.
i used the detangler. it definitely softened my hair and it helped to aid in the take down of my 6 week mini braids. but will i buy again. nah. its not really a keeper for me or a staple.
The leave in conditioner smelled like rotten strawberry yogurt. You know that sweet sour rotten smell. I did not bother trying to return it since i remember reading a no return (cause product is all natural blah blah) disclaimer on the website. I did go ahead and used it once. It just made my hair stinks rotten strawberry yogurt. It did not make my hair hard but it did not moisturized it either. It did nothing. So i went back in the shower and use some of my conditioner to rinse it out.
That was the only product i ordered while i was searching for a leave in. I now use bee mine bee lovely as my leave in and i am in love.

ronie, when you used the leave in, was your hair dry and still stinky? :perplexed I only ask, because I was wondering if it's like ACV, it stinks until it dries. Either way, I can understand you not wanting to use it again, but I thought of getting this for my co-worker as a gift, but I don't want to get her something that's going to leave her smelling weird.
I did not leave it on for long. I just applied it, detangled my hair. I was getting ready to cornrow my hair then decided to rinse it out. I would say maybe 15 to 20 minutes. My hair did not get any dryer than it usually gets, but the product did not provide any kind of slip or moisture either. Maybe if i left it on longer it would have been different, and maybe the smell would have gone away. I did not want to run the risk of smelling like that the whole week. Did not give it another chance cause i find something better.
The leave-in has a sour smell now. The strawberry- yogurty smell is gone. It smells sour. She needs to fix that.

The conditioner has lost it's smell too.

Don't be Clingy still smells citrusy.