Lurker coming out to show progess pics


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to come out of lurk mode to show my progess. I BC'ed in Nov 2007 and have taking the low maintenance approach every since. My hair may look fully natural but I actually texturize twice a year. My last texturizer was June 2008. My regime is to shampoo and dc 1x week and co-wash 3x week. Currently I only wear a bun puff or a twist out puff, I see you other ladies with such pretty styles but I'm so scared to venture from my norm.

BC Nov 14, 2007

wet hair no product 10 months


My daily puff 1 year

puff twist out 15 months

I'm trying new products and hoping for more growth this year!! Thanks ladies for showing me how to grow!
Looking good and growing nicely!!!
BTW, I see we bc'd around the same time, and are about the same length.:yep: