Lowest "safe" Flat Iron Temperatures


Well-Known Member
i think i am going to try to be a stretched hair natural. im just not about to live with all this shrinkage. but i know my hair doesn't do well with a lot of heat. mainly i just want to knock out the coils causing shrinkage, i don't care all that much about getting my hair "flat iron straight." if i could stretch my hair without a flat iron i would do that, but i have tried a lot of different air dry methods (blow drying fries my hair and ends up crispy looking, so that's not an option) and none of it stretches much longer than SL.

normally i flat iron around 395 but i know that's too high, my hair starts to break off eventually. anybody out there regularly flat iron at low temps?
You might want to check out straight hair naturals products thread. There might be some tips in there.